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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The Curse Of Drought Hits The Fish Sector And Reduces 50% Of Its Production In 10 Months In Diyala

    Admin Assist
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    The Curse Of Drought Hits The Fish Sector And Reduces 50% Of Its Production In 10 Months In Diyala Empty The Curse Of Drought Hits The Fish Sector And Reduces 50% Of Its Production In 10 Months In Diyala

    Post by Rocky Sun 06 Feb 2022, 5:26 am

    [size=38]The Curse Of Drought Hits The Fish Sector And Reduces 50% Of Its Production In 10 Months In Diyala
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    LAST UPDATE 02/06/2022 | 2:17 PM
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    Information / Diyala..
    The local union of agricultural associations in Diyala announced on Sunday that the production of fish lakes has decreased by 50% due to the curse of drought.
    The head of the union, Raad al-Tamimi, said in an interview with “Information” that “the curse of drought that has struck Diyala 10 months ago has had a remarkable impact on the fish farming sector, most of which are managed by farmers who invested their money in it in an attempt to change their livelihoods after repeated setbacks in the agricultural sector over the years. past”.
    Al-Tamimi added, "Diyala has lost 50% of the production of fish lakes due to the curse of drought, and the rest will be lost within a few months due to the aggravation of the crisis and the inability to secure water, in addition to the fact that most of the fish production plants in the main rivers have also begun to stop with the decline of water at high rates. “.
    He pointed out that "the curse of drought may destroy the fish farming sector, which has reached the stage of sufficiency in recent years in Diyala and has contributed to providing thousands of opportunities for the unemployed."
    Diyala governorate has been suffering from a severe drought crisis in recent months, with a significant decline in the water reserves of Lake Hamrin, which constitutes an important source of water in the governorate.
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