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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers issued its report on activities in 2013 to follow up

    Admin Assist
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    General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers issued its report on activities in 2013 to follow up Empty General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers issued its report on activities in 2013 to follow up

    Post by Rocky Wed 17 Jul 2013, 8:09 am

    General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers issued its report on activities in 2013 to follow up the implementation of the resolutions of the Council


    Editor: AJ, RS 16.7.2013 20:17


    Range Press / Baghdad

    The Secretariat General of the Council of Ministers, on Tuesday, they follow the implementation of resolutions of the Council and directed government institutions all "not to banditry by columns officials" and protections of them, and showed that it instructed the ministries competent "to compensate victims of the accident Stadium torch popular", while calling the Ministry of Planning and financial resources "to support the e-government project," and denied the existence of instructions to prevent the appointment was more than old "(35) years or graduated before 2000."

    She said the Department of follow-up and coordination of government in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, in its report on activities in 2013, and includes follow-up decisions, and received (range Press), a copy of the "Report of the Gaza security affairs to ensure direct governmental institutions all not to cut roads by convoys officials and protections of them and emphasize the need to subject to inspection by the checkpoints in Baghdad and the provinces and hold violators accountable. "

    The report added that "with respect to explosives detection devices were provided with the report of the National Security Council follow-up with the concerned authorities directly issued by the Department follow-up," he continued, "also released uncles includes coverage of border crossing points with special instructions to leave weapons upon entry to the Baghdad International Airport."

    He pointed out that "in the Gaza Services Affairs and reconstruction was emphasized ministries and other government agencies about the absence of instructions to prevent the appointment of the age of more than (35) years or graduated before 2000," and that "it was to instruct the Ministry of Labour, regardless dues covered subsidized network of social protection for the Iraqi community abroad in coordination with the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Immigration. "

    He stressed that "it was to instruct the ministries of interior, finance, health, to compensate victims and victims of the accident Stadium torch popular," مردفا that "has been issued uncles emphasizes the need to take account of people with disabilities and special needs and provide seats and elevators, especially to facilitate their review of the government departments."

    She circle follow-up and coordination of government in its report that "has been steering the launch of a label (in the environment) for the year 2014," pointing out that "due to make sure information about damage to large amounts of barley crop as a result Council resolution province of Diwaniyah to prevent distributed to the provinces that need was approaching the Supreme Committee Agricultural Initiative to demonstrate legal action to cause the resolution of wasting public money. "

    He stressed that "it was approaching the Ministry of Planning and Finance on the e-government project support", مستطردا "were also instructed all government institutions for cooperation and coordination with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to provide data relevant to its work in the time required by the Commission."

    It is said that the Council of Ministers issued at its regular series of decisions and directives of the government ministries and other institutions to implement them in various security and service sectors.

    The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers directed, on Monday, the formation of a committee to make proposals on the phenomenon of theft salaries of state employees, stating that "the procedure comes to eliminate some of the cases that have occurred in recent theft of salaries."

    The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers called for in the (July 8 2013), to address the phenomenon of begging and the elimination of the most important causes, and with an eye to the necessity of activating the national campaign to alleviate poverty, he stressed government officials to form a committee to prepare a "draft of a special project" to address the file promoters begging and homelessness and the opening of rehabilitation centers for the rehabilitation of the homeless and reintegrated into society.

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