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    Private Sector Development Key

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    Private Sector Development Key Empty Private Sector Development Key

    Post by Rocky Tue 02 May 2017, 4:07 am

    Private Sector Development Key

    2017/05/02 | 09:21
    (Encyclopedia of this Day News | Iraq News ) - Economy News _ Baghdad: Wadih Handal , head of the Iraqi Association of private banks is much talk about Alldormuftrd the private sector in Iraq, participation in economic decision - making and contributing effectively to the comprehensive and sustainable development, but unfortunately has not yet touched on ground only promises, not the private sector to grant the opportunity they deserve, and got the support he promised, so that the despair reached range for some people to some extent the belief that the Iraqi private sector will not have a list under the mentality that is still controlling some makers Alaqraralaguetsada, emanating from the lack of confidence b This sector and the desire to keep a marginal role.

    Who is responsible for that? Is it the government? Or parliament? Or the private sector itself? Or self - conditions and objectivity surrounding this sector and restricted his movement and propel him to Maousel him from almost total deficit? What are the return of the soul to this sector , which was behind the renaissance and progress precipitant countries of the world in the forefront of European countries after World War II requirements? Hundreds of decisions and recommendations, studies and articles stressed the importance of the private sector and the current and subsequent impact on the process of economic development in Iraq, especially in addressing the triad of evil poverty, unemployment and illiteracy, however, the ground has not Nraly practical steps or a road map to open the doors to this sector in order to rise in turn leading leadership in development, and contributes to making social and Alaqraralaguetsada in the country.

    Iraqi private sector has been initiated by one, in terms of his sense of responsibility entrusted to him, to announce the emergence of the Iraqi Economic Forum , which was formed about two years ago brought together 12 federations and organizations affiliated to this sector, including the Iraqi private banks association, in a bold and unprecedented step to unify efforts and close ranks and enter into the arena of Iraqi economic work under one title, to draw Nzeraovernmh, parliament and society in general to the potential of this sector , which includes millions of Iraqis working in various aspects of agricultural, industrial, service and craft life.

    But this mighty move so far did not take the legal form of constitutional , because of the other sub - Bugeanathm and identities, which prevented the completion of this project Kabiralve We are still hoping to see a light in the future.

    It behooves us as we go into the reasons for declining private Doralqtaa guidance of self - criticism for ourselves before anyone else, departing from the cons of some affiliated to this sector including the Hathm behind the quick profit projects and not seeking to establish a strong and broad material base through which they can fill the vacuum caused by the absence of the public sector after in 2003, let alone rely on import everything from abroad, in the absence of an industrial base and national agricultural strong, and keep pace with orientation Nhawwath rentier consumer, as well as weak Massadraltamoal and the inability to confrontation and competition with foreign product and Ajzaan communication with economic institutions Global.

    All of these and other factors have made the Iraqi private sector semi - helpless, despite the presence of subjective and objective factors that have invested if the current advancement of its reality.

    Here , we say to be the contribution of the private sector in the economic reform process and in the work of the relevant government committees and in the preparation of public budgets , the country and in foreign visits to senior Iraqi officials , similar to foreigners who are keen to accompany representatives of the private sector companies with them during their visits to other countries Bkbaralmsaolin.

    With all these negatives, the participation of the private sector in making Alaqraralaguetsada in Iraq is not elusive, and should not be seen as the private sector is unable to the national economy , which has approved a constitutional administration.

    It must be openness in the framework of a market economy prepared by the path of economic and commercial activity in Iraq map theory.

    The front of the private sector , many opportunities and large areas for the promotion of industry, agriculture, trade and services, will not be achieved only through the formation of an Iraqi Supreme Economic Council consists of ribs three, the government, the parliament, the private sector would develop a strategic economic and fiscal plans for the country, short, medium and long term, It paints a road map to remove them from the financial and economic tragic situations , and to benefit from the experiences of countries that have passed similar circumstances.

    We must not forget that the structures of Europe after World War is not the Marshall Plan alone, but the European private sector 's innovative active and effective in the heart of a few years, Dmaraharb to Emaar.

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