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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Privatization and Private Sector Development

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Privatization and Private Sector Development Empty Privatization and Private Sector Development

    Post by Rocky Sun 16 Apr 2017, 2:51 am

    Privatization and Private Sector Development

    4/16/2017 0:00

    BAGHDAD / Shokran Fatlawi
    issued by the Institute for the progress of the development policies of the last book on "privatization and private sector development researcher Dr. Mahdi Al - Hafiz President of the Institute.
    The writer refers to the importance of privatization, noting that he Mundacod years of intense interest Eduard "privatization" and the need to develop their concepts and mechanisms, in accordance with the vision of national development and its interaction with economic events
    He continued: life has changed in the world and it became necessary to conduct a review of all the old concepts in the light of the validity and consistency with the prevailing needs in all countries, ie the application of innovation and thinking non - dogmatic aiming to develop the concepts of the theory and pathways process
    The author shows that the situation in some developing countries, including Iraq raises the issue of privatization as part of the economic reform and reduce the financial burden provided by the process of the public sector and its projects is beneficial, pointing out that in the light of the economic development and economic theories that the world has witnessed during the recent centuries , the economist suggests Adam Smith , who is described as the founder of political economy was the first called and wrote in the so - called market economy market economy, in his book the wealth of Nations wealth of Nations , issued in 1776, where Smith stressed that the market is the driving force of economic activity and create hands hidden theory hidden hands or placed supply and demand , which constitute the main driver for the growth of
    He continues the writer that privatization in Iraq highlights an important option should be studied carefully enough so that the public sector of the country is the main dominant force on the economy, national and can not be the private sector in the current circumstances to play a leading role as everyone was after the year is expected to 2003 ,
    stressing the need to study privatization options the context of national development and that poses a practical conversion program from public ownership to private ownership of a large number of institutions that include many measures in the forefront, creating support for private ownership within the conditions and requirements of the national interest economic environment
    According to Hafiz it until the last years of his career was not predisposed to develop the private sector, because the political upbringing and economic experience did not favor this path for reasons of intellectual traditional commitment to an ideological rigid, and that McKenna glorify Him and call for circulation and taking it way in the economic construction in developing countries, including Iraq, which is the way of life proved futile.

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