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    National axis: 12 candidates for defense and Jabouri closest to the post

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     National axis: 12 candidates for defense and Jabouri closest to the post Empty National axis: 12 candidates for defense and Jabouri closest to the post

    Post by Rocky Sun 06 Jan 2019, 2:09 am

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    National axis: 12 candidates for defense and Jabouri closest to the post

    The MP of the National Axis bloc, Muqaddam Jumaili, on Sunday, that the number of candidates to the post of Minister of Defense exceeded the 12, including military leaders, noting that "the former parliament speaker Salim al-Jubouri is the closest to submit his name to the House of Representatives as a candidate for the defense portfolio."
    Jumaili said in a press statement that "dialogues are still ongoing on the candidate of the defense portfolio," noting that "there are several candidates were submitted by the National Axis on the grounds that the position is a component component."
     He added that "the number of candidates to the post exceeded the 12, including military leaders," noting that "these names submitted to the Prime Minister to choose the most appropriate of them to be submitted to the first vote."
     Jumaili said that "the closest person to put his name to vote on the post is Salim al-Jubouri, but the decision in the end is to Abdul Mahdi," pointing out that "talk about the proposal to submit several names and vote on the session is a proposal after verification on the grounds that it will hold the process and need to vote secret".
    The parliament is preparing to resume its meetings on Tuesday on the impact of continuing differences over the remaining ministries in the government of Adel Abdul Mahdi, the four of which are the defense, interior, justice and education.

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