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    Moscow threatens Washington military response

    Admin Assist
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    Moscow threatens Washington military response Empty Moscow threatens Washington military response

    Post by Rocky Mon 04 Sep 2017, 3:28 pm

    Moscow threatens Washington military response

    22:22 - 04/09/2017

    Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Moscow may be forced to take military action in a military manner to strike a balance with the deployment of US missile systems in South Korea and Japan.

    "What happens directly on our borders in terms of enhancing missile defense capability is not just South Korea, but also Japan," Ryabkov said. "That makes us go to our own capabilities from the point of view of developing military capabilities in this area. "He said.

    "If all this continues at such a worrying pace, at some stage, it is inevitable that the issue of our reaction in the military sense will arise, to create a kind of counterbalance," he said.

    "Thad, an interceptor system for carriers outside the atmosphere on an ascending path, can be easily integrated into the long-range missile defense system and the larger force," Ryabkov said. "All of this could become part of the integrated US missile defense system. Thad is the same defense system American missile on the stage of military operations. " Russia shares China's concern over Thad's deployment plans in South Korea, Ryabkov said.

    But at the same time, in response to a question whether this would mean that Moscow could consider deploying regimes in the region that would be considered an adequate response to the threat, Ryabkov said: "I think, for a very long time, Armament and, in part, relations with the United States, so I am tempted to answer in the American way, for every such question, namely that all options are on the table. "

      Current date/time is Sat 07 Sep 2024, 3:58 pm