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    US report: Saudi Arabia will pay for its proximity to Israel

    Admin Assist
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    US report: Saudi Arabia will pay for its proximity to Israel Empty US report: Saudi Arabia will pay for its proximity to Israel

    Post by Rocky Thu 16 Nov 2017, 3:13 am

    US report: Saudi Arabia will pay for its proximity to Israel

    US report: Saudi Arabia will pay for its proximity to Israel 1_-_1-57-54472-5dcf7

    Saudi Arabia will pay the price of its approach to Israel, the Middle East Monitoring Agency said in its report.
    Riyadh has lost its battle against Iran, in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, while what is happening in Yemen is far from the Saudi victory, according to a report by the Middle East Monitor. The reason for Riyadh's boldness is the American-backed "Tel Aviv". The US envoy to the United States, Prince George W. Bush, has also proposed a reform of ties between Riyadh and Tel Aviv.
    "Nobody knows how much sacrifice Bin Salman has to make to win the US blessing to take over the throne. One of the most important sacrifices is selling Saudi Aramco shares in New York based on Trump's wishes. The US president's profits during his official visit to Saudi Arabia do not appear to be sufficient to ensure Saudi Arabia wins Iran. Instead of confronting Saudi Arabia to Tehran, all that has been achieved so far is to hide behind America's support for the Yemen war and the siege of Qatar, while the reason for the latter is not yet understood. What is the price of America's support for the Saudi war against Iran? "
    The agency said there was clear evidence that the US was blackmailing Saudi Arabia in order to absorb more money and Saudi guarantees. This means the provision of financial and political support to the United States in order to attack Israel for Hezbollah, but one must not forget the fact that Israel is fighting for itself and its interests only, and when the situation worsens, Saudi Arabia will stand alone.
    "Saudi Arabia is moving from a dynamic failure to self-destruction," the agency said.

      Current date/time is Fri 24 Jan 2025, 3:12 am