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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Including Iraq.. Iran announces the volume of its exports of goods to 142 countries

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Including Iraq.. Iran announces the volume of its exports of goods to 142 countries Empty Including Iraq.. Iran announces the volume of its exports of goods to 142 countries

    Post by Rocky Tue 09 Nov 2021, 6:28 am

    Including Iraq.. Iran announces the volume of its exports of goods to 142 countries

    •  Time: 11/08/2021 18:28:26
    •  Reading: 1,833 times

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    {Economic: Al Furat News} The spokesman for the Iranian Customs Authority, Ruhollah Latifi, announced on Monday that Iranian exports of goods included 142 countries during the past seven months.
    The useful summary.. In important news, you can find it on Al-Furat News Channel on Telegram.. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Fars news agency quoted Latifi as saying, "The volume of Iranian foreign trade with the countries of the world, during the past 7 months of this year (the Iranian - began on March 21, 2021), amounted to 99 million tons, equivalent to about 55 billion dollars."
    On the destination of Iranian exports, Latifi said, "Iran exported 27 billion and 74 million dollars, 75 million and 200 thousand tons of goods to Iraq, China, Turkey, the Emirates and Afghanistan, which constituted the largest importing countries in this period, as well as other countries that were less import.
    Regarding Iran's imports, Latifi said, "during the same period, they amounted to 23 million and 505 thousand tons, with a value of 27 billion and 739 million dollars, from 11 countries, including the UAE, China, Turkey, Germany and Switzerland, which were the most importers."

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