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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The team of international investigators is giving Abadi serious files condemning figures in the gove

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    The team of international investigators is giving Abadi serious files condemning figures in the gove Empty The team of international investigators is giving Abadi serious files condemning figures in the gove

    Post by Rocky Sun 26 Nov 2017 - 6:49

    The team of international investigators is giving Abadi serious files condemning figures in the government

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    Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi is to launch a major anti-corruption campaign following the activation of the work of international investigators who started their duties for this purpose in Baghdad last year, the Aram News reported Sunday.

    "After 2003, Iraq witnessed major and thorny corruption because of the deterioration of the security situation and political rivalries, which called for the recall of international investigators with expertise and tools in the fight against corruption," the website said in a report quoting the deputy of the Integrity Committee on Combating Corruption, Haydar al-Fawadi. .

    Al-Fawadi added that "the team of investigators presented to Prime Minister Haider Abadi serious and important files condemning senior figures in the Iraqi government and political parties, and in the coming days will witness a revolution in Iraq against corruption that gnaws the body of the political process."

    According to international rankings, Iraq is ranked third in the least transparent countries, after Somalia and Sudan, while the estimated funds smuggled abroad by about one trillion dollars, and the funds wasted at home to more than 350 billion dollars.

    With the help of the prime minister, he is trying to get out of the Iraqi system that has been fighting corruption for several years but has achieved nothing. There are 19 institutions, committees and bodies in the country that fight corruption but are ineffective and subject to political rivalry and party quotas.

    Abadi also sought the selection of independent judges under his direct supervision to investigate these files away from the Iraqi judiciary accused of favoring officials and not being held accountable because of pressure or under the influence of financial temptations. This was considered by observers to be an implicit recognition of Abadi of the independence of the judiciary and the absence of impartiality in the work.

    "There is a committee that includes a number of judges directly supervised by the prime minister to follow up corruption, waste public money, and investigate corruption files," said Jassem Mohammad Jaafar, a close associate of Abadi.

    He added that "the formation of this committee of judges came to expedite the resolution of these cases and ensure their exclusion from the routine and political or personal pressures."

    Iraq last year signed a memorandum of understanding with the United Nations to involve international investigators in the files of corruption major priority, such as smuggling of Iraqi funds abroad and embezzlement in the joints of the state, where the completion of the preparation of large files condemning the figures in the political process.

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    Interacting Investor
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    The team of international investigators is giving Abadi serious files condemning figures in the gove Empty Re: The team of international investigators is giving Abadi serious files condemning figures in the gove

    Post by Diamond Sun 26 Nov 2017 - 7:19

    Hope this doesn't turn ugly  Hang In There

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    The team of international investigators is giving Abadi serious files condemning figures in the gove Empty Re: The team of international investigators is giving Abadi serious files condemning figures in the gove

    Post by Lobo Sun 26 Nov 2017 - 14:34

    The Iraqi "swamp" is just the rest, corrupt and will fight to the death.
    Interacting Investor
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    The team of international investigators is giving Abadi serious files condemning figures in the gove Empty Re: The team of international investigators is giving Abadi serious files condemning figures in the gove

    Post by Diamond Sun 26 Nov 2017 - 19:42

    Lobo wrote:The Iraqi "swamp" is just the rest, corrupt and will fight to the death.
    lets keep thinkin of better things, like WHEN  banna3

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    The team of international investigators is giving Abadi serious files condemning figures in the gove Empty Re: The team of international investigators is giving Abadi serious files condemning figures in the gove

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