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    Movements of election candidates threaten to delay the delivery of lists of alliances

    Admin Assist
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    Movements of election candidates threaten to delay the delivery of lists of alliances Empty Movements of election candidates threaten to delay the delivery of lists of alliances

    Post by Rocky Thu 08 Feb 2018, 1:48 am

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    Movements of election candidates threaten to delay the delivery of lists of alliances

    Baghdad / Mohammed Sabah 

    Frequent movements of some candidates between more than one coalition and an entity may result in non-compliance with deadlines and late submission of candidates to the Electoral Commission.
    It is expected that most entities and alliances will send lists of candidates within the next 48 hours, that is, in the time to receive the names of candidates. 
    On the other hand, there are those who talk about the intention of the Electoral Commission to extend the process of handing over names two days or more to give entities a last chance. 
    According to a member of the Electoral Commission commissioner Almosawi said in a statement to (range) that "the process of distribution of voter card biometric moving smoothly and at a daily rate of up to one hundred thousand cards at the level of all Iraqi provinces," pointing out that "the number of cards distributed until the first Tuesday Exceeded five million cards. " 
    The Electoral Commission has revealed to the (range) in December last that the number of voters who will participate in the elections up to 24 million voters after the rate of modernization to nearly 44%.
    "The Commission is able to complete the distribution of all 11 million electronic biometric cards that will be given to voters who have recorded their records and data from a personal photograph and photograph," Moussaoui said. 
    The Electoral Commission announced earlier that the number of electoral alliances ratified by 27 alliances, while the number of parties belonging to those alliances 143 political parties. 
    The Electoral Commission has set the tenth of February as the deadline for the delivery of lists of candidates, but the entities and alliances and parties have not handed over to this moment lists of candidates, which called on the Commission to demand the acceleration of the resolution. 
    The member of the Board of Commissioners that "all alliances and entities and parties did not submit for the moment the names of candidates for the Commission for the audit and ratification," warning that "
    The Electoral Commission should scrutinize candidates' statements in the accountability, justice, criminal evidence and the Ministry of Higher Education to ensure that candidates do not belong to the security services. 
    After completing the examination of these names, they must send them to the Korean manufacturer of speeding devices to be programmed in electronic devices with the logos of entities, parties and names on the ballot papers. 
    The member of the Council of the Commission accredited Almosawi "all parties and entities ratified by the Electoral Commission to expedite the resolution of the file of candidates." 
    In order to speed up the audit of these names as soon as they arrive from the entities and alliances, the Electoral Commission and the accountability and justice agreed to resolve the audit and review of these lists in a period not exceeding fifteen days.
    A member of the Board of Commissioners that "the Prime Minister launched financial allocations two days ago to UNHCR, where a first batch of $ 126 million to complete the logistical preparations for the elections." 
    The government has resorted to the option of advances to provide the funds needed by the Electoral Commission to pay dues South Korean manufacturer of hardware accelerated to extract the results in order to avoid the embarrassment of payment because of differences in the Parliament to pass the budget law. 
    And reveals a member of the Board of Commission certified Almosawi that "all the acceleration of the results reached the warehouses of the Electoral Commission (59800) thousand devices, and also completed the training of cadres that will work on the management of these electronic devices," pointing out that there are 350 thousand employees will organize the management of devices And the electoral process in general.
    The return to the arrival of lists of candidates by entities and alliances shows former MP Mohammad Salman al-Tai that "there is a great movement is taking place within all alliances and forces and components to resolve the names of candidates," and expected that "most of these parties will send their lists to the Commission in the coming hours." 
    Al-Taei said in a telephone conversation with Al-Mada that "there is a movement between the candidates from one coalition to another, which has significantly affected the final resolution of names within the Sunni, Shiite, Kurdish and other components." 
    The former MP of the coalition of Iraq, that "some of the candidates looking for lists that ensure the victory of the elections," which led to an unstable situation because of the movement of candidates between alliances, pointing out that "the Sunni forces are almost more stable than the rest of the lists and alliances and is close to Handover lists of candidates ".
    And indicates that, there are 22 Sunni parties will participate in the upcoming elections distributed to electoral alliances and agree to form a coalition after the elections to participate in the formation of the next government, revealing "a desire to re-experience the Iraqi List in the 2010 elections."

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