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    Parliamentary elections reveal appeals against the election law

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary elections reveal appeals against the election law Empty Parliamentary elections reveal appeals against the election law

    Post by Rocky Wed 14 Feb 2018, 3:05 am

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    Parliamentary elections reveal appeals against the election law
    The parliamentary legal committee revealed the existence of an appeal by voting on the firstamendment to the electoral law, as well as the new appeal against the proposal of the second amendment to the same law.
    A member of the Committee, Kamel al-Zaidi, said on Wednesday that "there is an appeal by the MP for the PUK bloc, except Talabani, the original session in which the parliament voted on the proposal of the first amendment to the election law by adopting a bachelor's degree for the selection of candidates."
    He added that "there are other appeals to the voting session on the proposal of the second amendment, which includes the nomination of 20% of the holders of the preparatory certificate," noting that "the parliament voted in the second amendment on the technical issues related to electronic voting mechanism and accelerate results, and increase the number of seats in parliament to 329 in addition Seat for the Faily Kurds ".
    He added that "the parliament will strictly abide by the decision of the Federal Court if it ruled invalid the proceedings of the voting session on the second amendment, as well as the first amendment," adding that "the appeal of the first amendment will be counter to challenge the second amendment to the same law."
    The first deputy speaker of the House of Representatives Hamam Hamoudi, the verification of the legality of the parliamentary session, which saw the vote on the proposed law of the second amendment to the Law of the elections of the House of Representatives No. 45 of 2013, which includes allowing 20% ​​of those with a preparatory certificate or equivalent right to run for elections Parliamentary elections.

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      Current date/time is Tue 14 Jan 2025, 7:45 am