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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A senior U.S. senator calls for re Petraeus and Crocker to Iraq because al-Maliki trust them!!!

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    A senior U.S. senator calls for re Petraeus and Crocker to Iraq because al-Maliki trust them!!! Empty A senior U.S. senator calls for re Petraeus and Crocker to Iraq because al-Maliki trust them!!!

    Post by Rocky Tue 14 Jan 2014, 6:54 am

    A senior U.S. senator calls for re Petraeus and Crocker to Iraq because al-Maliki trust them!!!

    Today at 6:38 am

    Called the senior Republican Senator, John McCain, President, Barack Obama, to re-retired Gen. David Petraeus, to Iraq to help deal with the growing violence there two years after the withdrawal of U.S. troops.

    McCain said, in an interview with CNN, that the time is not too late and it is still the United States can offer assistance to calm the renewed violence that swept Iraq last year.

    The Republican candidate for the presidential elections in 2008, he opposes re-combat troops to Iraq, pointing to the different military aid can be provided to Washington to Baghdad in support of Ojusti or Apache combat helicopters.

    "It has also been suggested sending David Petraeus and Ambassador (Ryan) Crocker there .. P (Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki trust them."

    The invitation Republican Senator from Arizona State in the light of the growing violence in Iraq, where the Iraqi government to root out the influence of the organization "Daash" growing in Anbar province.

    And disappeared Petraeus, who ran the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a low profile since the scandal of his relationship with a book by author addressed his autobiography in November 2012.

    The Crocker he worked as an ambassador for America to Iraq from 2007 to 2009 before becoming ambassador to Afghanistan, retired in 2012 for health reasons

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