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    Sunday Telegraph: Iran sows terror in Europe

    Admin Assist
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    Sunday Telegraph: Iran sows terror in Europe  Empty Sunday Telegraph: Iran sows terror in Europe

    Post by Rocky Sun 13 Jan 2019, 3:45 am

    Sunday Telegraph: Iran sows terror in Europe

    Sunday, January 13,

    Sunday Telegraph: Iran sows terror in Europe  NB-257739-636829588400516371

    newspaper published the "Sunday Telegraph", a report says that Iran "sow terror" in Europe , and the European Union turns a blind eye because commercial relations for him the most important. 

    According to the report, the European Union saw the growing danger posed by Iran to global security after a series of "terrorist schemes on European soil." 

    The Union has announced a series of measures against Iran, but the report finds that a simple comparison between these measures and the sanctions imposed by the United States on Tehran in recent months shows that the actions of Brussels far from "mollify the mullahs," as he put it.

    The measures came after several Iranian plans to strike targets in Europe have been uncovered since the signing of the nuclear deal in 2015. 

    The agreement, as well as resolving the dispute over Iran's nuclear program, was aimed at encouraging Tehran to interact positively in international relations. But, he says, "making the mullahs expand their terrorist operations from the Middle East to the heart of Europe." 

    Shortly after the signing of the nuclear deal, an Iranian dissident was killed in the Netherlands, and Ahmad Mulla al-Nisi was killed in 2017 in The Hague. The Dutch intelligence said it believed that Iran carried out these assassinations, according to the article. 

    The report adds that "Iran's terrorist operations were not limited to Europe." It was revealed, Brian Hook, Representative of the American Administration for Iranian Affairs, on the increasing Iranian operations in the Arab countries. He presented examples of Iranian weapons used in Yemen, Iraq and Syria, and the plan to overthrow the regime in Bahrain. 

    According to the report, Brussels' response to the growing Iranian threat was not expected. The measures included freezing the assets of two intelligence officials for involvement in preparing "terrorist" schemes and the assets of the intelligence and security minister. 

    He added that the trade exchange between Iran, France, Germany and Italy since the signing of the agreement is what made the European Union reluctant to support US sanctions on Tehran, and that the EU is now seeking to overcome these sanctions.

      Current date/time is Fri 24 Jan 2025, 1:30 pm