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    North Korea announces the goal of its latest missile maneuvers

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277299
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    North Korea announces the goal of its latest missile maneuvers Empty North Korea announces the goal of its latest missile maneuvers

    Post by Rocky Sun 05 May 2019, 1:53 am

    North Korea announces the goal of its latest missile maneuvers

    09:33 - 05/05/2019

    North Korea announces the goal of its latest missile maneuvers %D9%82%D8%B5%D9%81-1-696x418
    BAGHDAD - 
    North Korea's state television reported on Sunday the main purpose of Saturday's missile maneuvers orchestrated by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. 
    The North Korean television said the main objective was to assess the operational characteristics of the missiles and how they work after launch. In addition to verifying rocket action through the accuracy of the characteristics of the trajectories launched by long-range bombers and the feasibility of guided tactical weapons. 
    "North Korea fired its missiles from the city of Wansan on the east coast towards the Sea of ​​Japan at 9.06 a.m. local time," Kyodo news agency quoted the chief of staff as saying. 
    "The range of missiles fired ranges from 70 kilometers to 200 kilometers," the military said, adding that "the Korean and US authorities are analyzing the details of the missile launch."
    In a related context, the US Department of Defense announced Saturday that it can not confirm the validity of the reports on the missile launch, but will study it.

      Current date/time is Tue 10 Sep 2024, 1:05 pm