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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    For six reasons .. America advises its citizens to avoid traveling to Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    For six reasons .. America advises its citizens to avoid traveling to Iraq Empty For six reasons .. America advises its citizens to avoid traveling to Iraq

    Post by Rocky Tue 23 Nov 2021, 6:29 am

    For six reasons .. America advises its citizens to avoid traveling to Iraq

    •  Time: 11/23/2021 08:10:45
    •  Reading: 2,756 times

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    {Political: Al Furat News} The United States, on Monday, advised its citizens to avoid traveling to four countries, including Iraq, due to the outbreak of the new Corona virus.
    The US State Department confirmed, through its travel updates website for US citizens and residents, that it had upgraded the travel classification of four countries to Category 4, "Do not travel." 
    The countries that have undergone updates on Monday include Iraq, Germany, Denmark and Burundi. 
    The State Department stated that the upgrade in Iraq "is due to several reasons: terrorism, kidnapping, armed conflict, civil unrest, COVID-19, and the limited ability of the Iraq Mission to provide support to American citizens."
    The ministry confirmed that "the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Level 4 travel health notice to Iraq due to COVID-19, which indicates a very high level of disease in the country."
    "American citizens in Iraq are at risk of violence and kidnapping. Terrorist and insurgent groups regularly attack both Iraqi security forces and civilians. Sectarian anti-US militias threaten American citizens and Western companies throughout Iraq," she added, adding that "IED attacks are occurring in many regions of the country, including Baghdad."
    The Foreign Ministry stressed that "demonstrations, protests and strikes occur frequently, and these events can develop rapidly without prior notice, often leading to the interruption of traffic, transportation and other services. Such events have the potential to turn violent."
    As for the classification of the Republic of Burundi (located in East Africa) in the fourth category, it refers to the "level of crime, health and political violence". 
    As for Germany and Denmark, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Covid-19 is the main reason for raising the classification, and called on its nationals to "be careful" in the two countries "because of terrorism." 
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