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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraq is ranked 13th in the Arab world among the countries most vulnerable to disasters

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iraq is ranked 13th in the Arab world among the countries most vulnerable to disasters Empty Iraq is ranked 13th in the Arab world among the countries most vulnerable to disasters

    Post by Rocky Wed 15 Feb 2023, 4:07 am

    Iraq is ranked 13th in the Arab world among the countries most vulnerable to disasters

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    Economy News-Baghdad
    The 2022 Global Risk Index revealed which countries are most vulnerable to natural disasters and climate change.
    The report, issued by the "Development of Aid" coalition, which integrates several German relief organizations for the year 2022, classifies 193 countries according to the risks of exposure to disasters or exposure to dangerous natural events such as earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and droughts.
    The report indicated that 9 of the 15 countries with the highest disaster risks are among the 15 most populous countries in the world.
    At the level of the Arab countries, the first three ranks were occupied by Somalia, Yemen and Egypt, followed by Libya, Syria, Djibouti, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Mauritania, Iraq, Sultanate of Oman, Emirates, Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, the two seas.
    As for the continents, the American continent is the most exposed to disaster risks, followed by Asia, Africa and Oceania. As for Europe, it is the lowest in terms of risks in the global comparison.
    According to the results of 2022, the Philippines, India and Indonesia have the highest disaster risk in general, followed by: Colombia, Mexico, Myanmar, Mozambique, China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Russia, Vietnam, Peru, Somalia and Yemen.
    The index focuses on measuring the level of disaster risk from natural events and the negative consequences of climate change, as it is calculated for each country based on the average size of exposure and vulnerability.

    Views 47
    Added 2023/02/15 - 11:01 AM
    Updated 2023/02/15 - 1:06 PM
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