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day dreamer
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    Today .. Barzani in Baghdad at the head of the Kurdish government delegation

    day dreamer
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    Today .. Barzani in Baghdad at the head of the Kurdish government delegation Empty Today .. Barzani in Baghdad at the head of the Kurdish government delegation

    Post by day dreamer Sat 14 Feb 2015, 10:37 pm

    Today .. Barzani in Baghdad at the head of the Kurdish government delegation

    2/15/2015 0:00

    To discuss the implementation of the political agreement document file and oil
      BAGHDAD - morning
      Is scheduled to arrive on Sunday, the Kurdistan Regional Government delegation to Baghdad headed by the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani, to discuss with officials in the federal government, on the implementation of the political agreement document file and oil items.
    The Deputy Speaker of the House Iaram Sheikh Mohammed, the importance of the commitment of the political blocs and the forces participating in the government the political agreement reached between all parties, under which formed government of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.
    Mohammed said in a statement received "morning," a copy of it, that "failure to implement and document the political terms of the agreement will inevitably and undoubtedly in the national reconciliation and lead to confuse the entire political process and return to square one, and generates between partners kind of anxiety, because the actual reconciliation does not you need to slogans, but to the actions and intentions are clear and practical measures and efforts are being made by everyone and notice other credible. "
    The Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives also the advent of high-level delegation from the Kurdistan region today for talks with officials in the federal government on the agreement, which took place between Baghdad and Erbil on the subject of the export of oil and related financial receivables and the region's share of the federal budget for 2015 approved by the Iraqi parliament last month ".
    In addition, the official spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Government Sven Dzy reported, Saturday, that a delegation from the Government of the Territory will visit Baghdad, on Sunday, to conduct talks on oil file.
    He Dzy at a news conference in Arbil, said that "a delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government, headed by President of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani will visit Baghdad on Sunday," noting that "the delegation will meet with officials in Baghdad to discuss oil file and other issues." He added Dzy that "the delegation will demand Baghdad, the need to calculate the amount of oil supplied by the province of Baghdad a year and not every day, "stressing at the same time, the region's commitment to" the signed agreement between the two sides decided to provide Baghdad by 250 thousand barrels per day. "And approved by the Iraqi Council of Ministers, in December 2 last, on the oil agreement between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, which provides for the delivery of the Kurdistan region of at least 250 000 barrels of oil per day to the federal government for the purpose of export.

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    Today .. Barzani in Baghdad at the head of the Kurdish government delegation Empty Re: Today .. Barzani in Baghdad at the head of the Kurdish government delegation

    Post by lonelyintexas Sun 15 Feb 2015, 7:42 am

    "the delegation will demand Baghdad, the need to calculate the amount of oil supplied by the province of Baghdad a year and not every day,

    This is from the above article, Seems like this might be the issue and needs settling for HCL to go forward.
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    Today .. Barzani in Baghdad at the head of the Kurdish government delegation Empty Re: Today .. Barzani in Baghdad at the head of the Kurdish government delegation

    Post by mochasmom Sun 15 Feb 2015, 7:48 am

    I hate issues...hope they can get this resolved quickly

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    Today .. Barzani in Baghdad at the head of the Kurdish government delegation Empty Re: Today .. Barzani in Baghdad at the head of the Kurdish government delegation

    Post by Neno Sun 15 Feb 2015, 7:52 am

    lonelyintexas wrote:"the delegation will demand Baghdad, the need to calculate the amount of oil supplied by the province of Baghdad a year and not every day,

    This is from the above article, Seems like this might be the issue and needs settling for HCL to go forward.
    Sounds like they would prefer a daily average instead of a daily quota which IMHO should be feasible.
    day dreamer
    day dreamer
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    Today .. Barzani in Baghdad at the head of the Kurdish government delegation Empty Abadi and Barzani discuss security and oil

    Post by day dreamer Sun 15 Feb 2015, 8:51 pm

    Abadi and Barzani discuss security and oil

      [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]                                
    2/16/2015 0:00

    Coordinate efforts between the governments of the center and the region to fight «Daash»
      BAGHDAD - Salah
      Conducted by Dr. Haider Abadi talks with Prime Minister of the Kurdistan delegation led by Barzani about the points of contention in the oil agreement between Baghdad and Erbil, security and ways to coordinate efforts to liberate the usurped areas.
    A spokesman for his office Saad Sabri, the "morning": that "the delegations of the governments of the center and the region held under the chairmanship of Abadi and KRG President Barzani a joint meeting to discuss the recent oil agreement and how to avoid obstacles to the implementation of the agreement, especially in the export of oil."
    He noted that the meeting also touched on security to discuss ways to coordinate efforts between the governments of the center and the province to eliminate "Daash" gangs and edit territories occupied.
    With Barzani confirmed that the government does not currently have sufficient funds to implement the oil agreement because of lower oil prices and their impact on Iraq's economy.
       He pointed out that "there will be further discussions in this regard and fringe meetings between officials of the panellists for both parties."

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    Today .. Barzani in Baghdad at the head of the Kurdish government delegation Empty Re: Today .. Barzani in Baghdad at the head of the Kurdish government delegation

    Post by jedi17 Sun 15 Feb 2015, 10:31 pm

    well....the other day they wanted a quarterly average, now it is a annual will all happen when the Kurds are happy
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    Today .. Barzani in Baghdad at the head of the Kurdish government delegation Empty Re: Today .. Barzani in Baghdad at the head of the Kurdish government delegation

    Post by duck2000 Mon 16 Feb 2015, 6:12 am

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    Monday, February 16, 2015 14:40
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    Alsumaria News / Baghdad 
    revealed president of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani, on Monday, about the intention of the central government employees' salaries distributed every 40 days, attributing this to the economic crisis experienced by the country.Barzani said in a press conference held at the Ministry of the Kurdistan Regional Electricity headquarters in Erbil and attended "Alsumaria News" that "the central government intends to distribute its employees every 40 days," attributing the reason for that to "the economic crisis experienced by the country."

    Barzani said that "the decision has not been officially announced yet." The senior source revealed, on Sunday evening (February 15, 2015), that the meeting, which was held in [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] between the center and the Kurdistan region ended without reaching a conclusion, stressing that the Kurdish delegation left for Arbil. The House of Representatives voted on Thursday (January 29, 2015), the draft federal budget for the current year worth in excess of Al119 trillion dinars and a deficit of about 25 trillion.

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    Today .. Barzani in Baghdad at the head of the Kurdish government delegation Empty Re: Today .. Barzani in Baghdad at the head of the Kurdish government delegation

    Post by wciappetta Mon 16 Feb 2015, 7:06 am

    Ok then, the course is set ... next step please....

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    Today .. Barzani in Baghdad at the head of the Kurdish government delegation Empty Re: Today .. Barzani in Baghdad at the head of the Kurdish government delegation

    Post by lonelyintexas Mon 16 Feb 2015, 7:44 am

    So it would seem everything is settled, since they went back to Erbil.  I guess now we should see it pop up on the parliament agenda to do readings and a vote.  Maybe it's one of the seven laws they talked about.

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    Today .. Barzani in Baghdad at the head of the Kurdish government delegation Empty Re: Today .. Barzani in Baghdad at the head of the Kurdish government delegation

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