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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Billion dinars per day is expected from the imposition of fees on cars entering the capital revenues

    Admin Assist
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    Billion dinars per day is expected from the imposition of fees on cars entering the capital revenues Empty Billion dinars per day is expected from the imposition of fees on cars entering the capital revenues

    Post by Rocky Tue 16 Feb 2016, 6:40 am

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    The beginning of the link road between Baghdad -kot -misan near the towns south of the capital Baghdad Imaging (Mahmoud Raouf)
    Billion dinars per day is expected from the imposition of fees on cars entering the capital revenues

    Author: BS, MJ 
    Editor: BK, BS 2/15/2016 17:01 Number of Views: 625 

    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    Council of Baghdad revealed on Monday its intention to impose a fee on vehicles entering the capital from other provinces, a total of up to one billion dinars a day, while Baghdad Municipality has shown that it has a plan to bring Baghdad International Airport to invest Street as well as a group of "investment opportunities" other.
     Chairman of the Investment Committee in the Baghdad Provincial Council, Burhanuddin Isaac said, in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The Council discussed the possibility of collecting money from vehicles entering Baghdad and to vote on it at next week's session."
    He Isaac, that "nearly one million vehicle entering Baghdad daily, and the collection of about one billion dinars, of which if imposed thousand dinars on each one of them, as they are working with many countries around the world," noting that it "can provide the funds needed to sustain the streets and implementation other projects, in light of the Council's budget reduced by half as a result of the financial crisis. "
    For his part, he said a spokesman for the secretariat of Baghdad, Hakim Abdul Zahra, in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The Secretariat is studying with the Department of Transportation, which is responsible for Baghdad International Airport, the possibility of collecting money from passing vehicles on the airport road, because they offer services in it," He pointed out that "the Secretariat is still considering a range of other investment opportunities, and to identify suitable land for it."
    He said Abdul-Zahra, the "Projects Department in the Secretariat is working to end the private investment plan for capital actions, having announced by the misses them," she returned to "new investment opportunities include surprise for the young and unemployed," without revealing details.
    It supported a member of the economic and investment commission in Parliament, Najiba Najib, directed towards the official authorities "to maximize its resources, because that's what the text of the general budget for the current 2016 law."
     Said Najiba Najib, in an interview to the (long-Presse), said that "the Committee with the direction the secretariat of Baghdad and the provincial council to obtain financial charges from vehicles entering the capital, or invest some streets inside to collect the funds from which" and attributed it to "the collection of funds will go to municipalities to repair roads.

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