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    Report: FBI moves to interview Clinton over emails


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Report: FBI moves to interview Clinton over emails Empty Report: FBI moves to interview Clinton over emails

    Post by Lobo Sat 02 Apr 2016, 4:33 pm

    Report: FBI moves to interview Clinton over emails

    By Julian Hattem - 03/31/16 04:37 PM EDT
    Hillary Clinton and her top aides might be questioned by FBI officials about her private email server within the next few days, according to a new report from Al Jazeera America.
    The news outlet reported that the FBI has concluded its examination of Clinton's email server and is [url=]in a “critical stage”[/url] of its investigation into concerns that the former secretary of State or her top aides mishandled classified information. The FBI is reportedly seeking to interview her along with her former chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, and ex-spokesman Philippe Reines.
    The probe could be completed “in weeks not months,” the report added, citing unnamed law enforcement officials. The report also says that Justice Department prosecutors have joined the FBI's investigative team. 
    The news furthers speculation that the federal investigation is nearing a conclusion, nearly a year after it began.
    Earlier in the week, the Los Angeles Times reported that the FBI was in the process of arranging interviews with former State Department officials, possibly including Clinton herself.
    Officials told Al Jazeera that FBI head James Comey could make a recommendation to Attorney General Loretta Lynch over potential criminal charges in the coming weeks. 
    The investigation has dogged Clinton’s presidential campaign and threatens to ensnare her further if the Justice Department decides to move forward with an indictment against Clinton or one of her former aides.
    Conservative critics have long hoped that Clinton herself would be subjected to a charge, but the Democratic presidential front-runner has dismissed any suggestion along those lines.
    Reports about the number of federal agents assigned to the Clinton probe have ranged from roughly a dozen to fewer than 50.
    The months-long probe took a new twist earlier this month, when the IT official believed to have set up Clinton’s personal server, Bryan Pagliano, was reportedly granted immunity in exchange for cooperating with the FBI.

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