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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Deputy for the National Abadi calls for investigation of targeting civilians in Daquq

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     Deputy for the National Abadi calls for investigation of targeting civilians in Daquq Empty Deputy for the National Abadi calls for investigation of targeting civilians in Daquq

    Post by Rocky Sun 23 Oct 2016, 4:38 am

    [size=30]Deputy for the National Abadi calls for investigation of targeting civilians in Daquq[/size]
    23/10/2016 09:51 | Number of Views: 111
    font size: [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Direction Press / Baghdad
    MP from the Messenger of Tai National Alliance, on Sunday, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Haider al-Abadi to open an investigation on the targeting of civilians in southern Kirkuk, Daquq.
    He said al-Tai said in a statement received "direction Press" a copy of it today, "This is not the first time that targeting Western alliance gathering of the army and the crowd of civilians, as previously targeted in Babil, Anbar, Salahuddin and Mosul," calling Abadi to "open an investigation into this target" .
    He noted that "the Western alliance satanic no different from Daesh terrorist, each targeting security forces and civilians," stressing that "the bombing of the Western alliance Hosseinieh planes in Daquq, south of Kirkuk, which killed more than 50 civilians, including women and children, confirms that the Western alliance and Daesh terrorist sides a single currency for the targeting of civilians and the destruction of Iraq. "
    The aerial bombardment led to the martyrdom and wounding 65 women and children in the consolation Hosseini south of Kirkuk province.
    Said Mayor DAQUQ Amir Joaqrm in a press statement that "at least 15 women cited and wounded 50 women and children on an unidentified aircraft bombed a funeral Hosseini". The sa

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