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    Democratic Leaders Promise Muslim Refugee President After Hillary


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Democratic Leaders Promise Muslim Refugee President After Hillary Empty Democratic Leaders Promise Muslim Refugee President After Hillary

    Post by Lobo Mon 24 Oct 2016, 1:26 pm

    Democratic Leaders Promise Muslim Refugee President After Hillary
    Posted by Martin Walsh | Oct 23, 2016 | Liberal Corruption

    Democratic Leaders Promise Muslim Refugee President After Hillary 20160811090539002_hd
    Democrats Make Bold Announcement For Who Should Be Our Next President
    How many more terrorist attacks do we need to see before we realize that Islam is not a religion of peace?
    Islam is a major problem for the world. Violence is no longer extreme in Islam any more: it’s the norm. Liberals continue to argue that Islam should be accepted inside the United States as a peaceful religion. CNN’s dimwitted lesbian, Sally Kohn, argued this point and was immediately destroyed for taking this type of stance.
    I guess she forgot that homosexuals are maimed, burned alive, and thrown from the highest buildings in Muslim cultures.
    Sally Kohn is sadly not alone. In fact, a group of students at George Washington University made a bold statement when they created a huge sign and stood in front of the White House to pose for a photo.
    Democratic Leaders Promise Muslim Refugee President After Hillary 1-5-759x500
    More Liberal Hypocrisy
    Read that sign. The entire thing is insanely preposterous, but most things liberals are in favor of tend to be.

    These demands spawned from a 1992 art piece by Zoe Leonard, which originally called for “a dyke” to serve as president, along with “a person with AIDS” and “a fag for vice president.”
    Democratic Leaders Promise Muslim Refugee President After Hillary Picture25
    Liberal “Art”
    As if that entire “work of art” wasn’t one of the most ignorant things ever written, it also calls for a president who would abort her child at the age of 16.
    The entire premise, group, and project is unAmerican and not the type of culture we should be teaching in the United States–but guess who openly applauded the group and their efforts?
    That’s right, Hillary Clinton herself stated, “this group is heroic and justly needed in a time when we need tolerance.”

    Hillary Clinton has a long history of choosing Islam over Christianity and all other peaceful religions.
    Democratic Leaders Promise Muslim Refugee President After Hillary Hillary-clinton-muslim-islam
    Hillary Stands With Islam, She Has Made That Clear
    It is Islam that treats women as second class citizens, throws homosexuals off roof tops, and carries out terrorist attacks.
    The most perplexing thing about Hillary proposing that a Muslim become our president is that Islamic law would create a culture for women and homosexuals that was worse than anything imaginable. Women would not be allowed to vote, drive a car, reveal anything other than their eyes and hands, and their only job would be to serve their husband.
    Does that sound conducive to the values we have instilled in the United States?

      Current date/time is Tue 14 Jan 2025, 9:48 pm