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    Parliamentary Finance: 2017 budget of 100 trillion dinars and a deficit of 21%

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    Parliamentary Finance: 2017 budget of 100 trillion dinars and a deficit of 21% Empty Parliamentary Finance: 2017 budget of 100 trillion dinars and a deficit of 21%

    Post by Rocky Tue 25 Oct 2016, 2:36 am

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    Parliamentary Finance: 2017 budget of 100 trillion dinars and a deficit of 21%

     Baghdad / pro-Kanani term 

    Parliamentary Finance Committee, announced on Monday, said the size of the budget for theyear 2017 amounted to 100 trillion dinars. And as pointed out that the size of the oil revenues which will reach 67.5 trillion and the deficit reached 21%, confirmed the approval within the constitutional period specified, as economists pointed out that government budgets do not match theeconomic reality, demanding the need to uncover the final accounts of previous years. 
    A member of the Commission , Massoud Haider, in an interview with (long - Presse), said that " the general budget for 2017 amounted to 100 trillion revenue oil Tkdrb 67.5 trillion and 11.6 trillion non - oil revenues and a deficit of 21%," adding that " the total foreign loans in the budget is 5.6 trillion dinars." 
    he said Haider that "oil production ceiling in the budget amounted to 3.75 million barrels , including 550,000 barrels of the Kurdistan region, pointing out that" the price of a barrel estimated budget of $ 42. " 
    he said Haider" it is expected that the adoption of the budget during the period constitutional specific to them. " in 
    turn, the economist said Uday Abdul Amir Amir, in an interview for the " long ", that" next year 's budget isgoverned by several factors , including the cost of the war on Daesh which have escalated to gradually occupies nearly one - third of the federal budget in addition to the external debt accumulation and the interior. " 
    He added that" induced spending witnessed in the budgets of 2016 and 2017, including the rescue of more than 3 million displaced people and the reconstruction of liberated cities in conjunction with the decline inworld oil prices in addition to the decline in the role of the productive sectors such as industry, agriculture and tourism, will impact heavily on the budget next year without serious work by government to search for multiple financial revenue increase state revenues. " 
    said Amer that" the government must adopt a realistic budget in accordance with the expectation of no more than $ 40 per barrel to counter any new drop in oil prices in the future as well as a review of the basic joints of exchange in the country and work on the rationalization of fiscal spending intensively. " 
    and that" the face of financial and administrative corruption and waste of public money operations requires JavaScript regulators Kdioan financial control would direct budget expenditures towards beneficial investment projects of general benefit to the country and provide new job opportunities for the unemployed and generate new money supply the public treasury. " 
    The a number of experts predicted that increase the budget for Iraq in 2017 a little bit about 100 trillion dinars and a deficit of 30 trillion dinars , the adoption of the barrel price of $ 35 card and export the amount of 3.88 million barrels per day, while the amount of this year 's budget 105.8 trillion dinars , or about $ 95 billion, and a projected deficit of about 24 trillion dinars , the equivalent of about $ 20.5 billion. 
    for his part, economist government budgets as fictional not match the true reality of the Iraqi economy ,which drained as a result of the embezzlement of officials and influential billions of dollars during the previous years. 
    the economist said Abbas al - Bahadli in an interview for the "long" that "government budgets is the paper for not taking by the state institutions that wasted money without any legal accountability in addition to the lack of final accounts indicate the amount of money spent during the entire year." 
    He explained that the "Cancel currency auction in the central bank will reduce the dollar exchange rate to thereal price, which amounts to 1190 and reduce the daily turnover of the dollar process, and it will pay Nhawwalaatmad the national industry and agriculture that would achieve self - sufficiency for quite a few of the goods and services imported with funds selling oil. " 
    among Bahadli" the worsening of the real deficit in the draft budget law will to a decline in activities of service to the government as a result of the lack of liquidity with the fluctuation of oil prices and rising public spending to the state. " 
    He stressed that" reducing the salaries and allowances of officials , worth millions of dollars a year in the first austerity steps that the government should be taken without resorting to prosthesis solutions Castqtaa part of employees and retirees whose salaries have served the country for 30 years. "     
    Iraq relies on oil revenue by up to about 95 percent to cover state expenses, which led to fiscal deficit for two consecutive years and the use of domestic and foreign loans to cover them , because of the decline in oil prices to below $ 50 a barrel. 
    the head Council Salim al - Jubouri , the House of Representatives, announced the day before on Sunday, all assume the presidency of the parliament finance the budget law for next year 2017, as amended by theCouncil of Ministers, in the face of its inclusion on the agenda of the session of the 25th. 
    It was announced , Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, on Tuesday (18 of October 2016), send the draft budget to the 2017 Act to the House of Representatives after making amendments to it, as he emphasized that theproject included the previous agreement with the Kurdistan region, while pointing to an amendment to thedraft general amnesty law.
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