BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq , most likely a coalition of state law, on Thursday, his participation in the upcoming elections for the provincial councils and the parliament in one bloc of components key in addition to the independent, denying the existence of dialogues currently collected with a mass citizen to announce the new alliance, while said that the final position of Merit the election will be determined by calculating the Asoat.oukal deputy state law Messenger Abu Hasna system in a press statement today that "Ktltna and allied with us waiting for the nature of the electoral system to resolve ordered to sign the next elections at both the provincial councils or parliament session parliamentary fourth . " he Abu Hasna " the next electoral law imposed in the event of St Lego rate system by (1,9) or (1,7) that we'll go down in one list, which is being talked about a lot now , " Abu Hasna .ozad that "the House of Representatives in the corridors draft law provincial elections and the House of Representatives seeks to admitting In light of this , we will decide the final position . "He pointed out that" the list may include members of the Islamic Dawa Party , led by Vice President Nouri al - Maliki, Haider Abadi, and the Dawa Party - Iraq organization , led by Khodair al, as well as some independents who Saotlfon with us . "he explained that" the current trend of the House of Representatives, is halving the number of provincial seats so the local elections will provide us with great opportunities if we got off a large list, or our engagement with other coalitions, because the seats are going to be few and therefore Snfrt our rights to others and that does not accept its electoral our street ".onvy MP for the coalition of state law" and get Nfachat dialogues with other blocs, about to engage in a unified coalition to participate in local elections or parliamentary. "