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    Syrian forces sent reinforcements to the border with Jordan

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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     Syrian forces sent reinforcements to the border with Jordan Empty Syrian forces sent reinforcements to the border with Jordan

    Post by Rocky Sat 03 Jun 2017, 2:19 am

    Syrian forces sent reinforcements to the border with Jordan

    03/06/2017 09:42

    Watan Syrian newspaper revealed on Friday, the Syrian army to send troops and described as "huge" to the border areas with Jordan, the newspaper pointed out that the Syrian army is preparing to carry out a military operation to restore southern shield from the grip of militants "Daesh".
    For its part, he said, according to "Russia Today:" The Syrian army sent rocket launchers model "Golan" which are used to destroy the armed concrete fortifications and bunkers dirt tunnels and shallow.
    On the ground carried out the Syrian army Rmayat motorcycle intensive dens and axes of the infiltration of terrorists to organize Daesh in the city of Deir al-Zour and its environs and Qaibdthm losses to individuals and gear, it fell while more than 15 terrorists killed in artillery Rmayat carried out by units of the army on the dens of the organization Daesh terrorist Brive Hama-east.

    In the eastern countryside of Homs many of the dead and injured it fell among the ranks of the terrorist organization during the Syrian army operations continued.
    To this news agency SANA Syrian military source that the army units destroyed the headquarters and points immune to terrorists Daesh, and left a number of them dead and wounded in Rmayat wounds variety on their communities and their fortifications in the vicinity of the areas of cemeteries, Panorama, and Tallat Brooke Alloush inspired the old airport in the city of Deir al-Zour and its environs.

      Current date/time is Wed 18 Sep 2024, 7:42 am