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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Construction and Housing: the completion of 50 projects in the maintenance of roads and bridges sect

    Admin Assist
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    Construction and Housing: the completion of 50 projects in the maintenance of roads and bridges sect Empty Construction and Housing: the completion of 50 projects in the maintenance of roads and bridges sect

    Post by Rocky Tue 10 Sep 2013, 6:44 am

    Construction and Housing: the completion of 50 projects in the maintenance of roads and bridges sector in all the provinces at a cost of more than 62 billion dinars

    09-09-2013 10:11 AM

    Baghdad (news) .. The Minister of Construction and Housing Eng Mohammed Darraji said the ministry completed this year, 50 projects in the field of maintenance of roads and bridges, at a cost of more than 62 billion dinars

    The minister said in a statement received by the Agency (news) copy of it: that the General Authority for Roads and Bridges of the ministry has completed a number of projects, maintenance of roads and bridges, in Anbar province, has been completed maintenance by Ameria tourist city length of 42.5 kilometers and the rehabilitation of the pilgrimage route road and replace surface wooden bridge Hawijah modern and maintenance of joints stretch to bridge the valley Hjlan on a gray wet old, either in the province of Diwaniyah has been the completion of maintenance of 13 kilometers of road
    شنافية Qadisiyah and maintenance by غماس Junction غماس a length of 10 kilometers, as well as maintenance through the Official Sadeer and 20 kilometers of road Official Najaf.

    He added: It is in the province of Muthanna was completed maintenance through Samawah Khadr the
    بديري and maintenance through Samawa intersection of salted length of 14 kilometers in addition to maintenance bridge greens الكونكريتي, while completed Directorate Highway Traffic Maintenance joints stretch and fences preventive and steel for bridges Alfoghanih the speedy passage and the reconstruction of a bridge over the rail on the Highway Traffic also in addition Alley processing traffic signs kilo metric. either in Babil province has completed the ministry Maintenance of Albu Alwan and maintenance of bridge rail on the road to the Rosary and maintenance by Moelhh length of 11 kilometers, in the province of Basra has been completed maintenance bridge vine الكونكريتي and maintenance through cooperation length of 7.25 kilometers.

    The minister between: it has been completed maintenance pro
    jects link road between Highway Traffic and through Sayafiyah along 17 kilometers and maintenance of 12.75 kilometers of road YUSUFIYA issued YUSUFIYA addition to the maintenance of the road link between the old Diyala Bridge in Rustumiya in Diyala province, has been through the death of Khan maintenance Bani Saad, a length of 12.4 kilometers and maintenance of new and clothing control Shat

    He pointed out that the ministry completed by Graf Sahlan length of 11.8 kilometers and 7.4 kilometers maintenance of Basra, Nasiriya desert road in the province of Dhi Qar, and in the holy city of Karbala maintenance has been done through the Indian holy city of Karbala a length of 9.6 km meters. either in the province of Maysan Vtm completion of bridge maintenance Republic Iron and maintenance Using Bldg Ptirh, a dawn of a length of 30 kilometers.

    He explained: that in Maysan province has been completed maintenance by building Walcott (corridor leg) length of 20 kilometers and maintenance by building good length of 66 kilometers and Maintenance of Building Basra (Pass leg) length of 20 kilometers and maintenance of bridges
    الطبر and issued Hungary, either in the province of Najaf Vtm completion of maintenance 8.5 kilometers of road cement plant in Kufa and maintenance by Mashkhab Rak stone and maintenance and clothing through Najaf, Karbala length of 12 kilometers in addition to maintenance by the monastery of a length of 11 kilometers.

    In the province of Nineveh, has been completed Maintenance of Rabia
    تربكة the road border length of 20 kilometers and maintenance via Shikhan connector and maintenance and clothing through Mosul Coeur a length of 24 kilometers and maintenance of border road Rabia تربكة junction, towards the village of Tal Musharraf and Maintenance of Sinjar, Tal Afar, a length of 13.5 maintenance kilometer of Rebiya connector road 16 kilometers in addition to road maintenance Zammar Ain Zala either in Wasit province, the ministry has completed the maintenance of road Cote Baghdad (Azizia Soarh) a length of 23 kilometers and maintenance of the intersection through Numaniyah with through (Cote d'Baghdad ).
    The General Authority for Roads and Bridges one of the formations of the ministry contracted with a number of Arab and foreign companies specialized in the sector of roads and bridges to provide advisory services for projects undertaken by the RTA. / End / l. M /

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