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    A newspaper says al-Baghdadi is alive and talking about his hiding place

    Admin Assist
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    A newspaper says al-Baghdadi is alive and talking about his hiding place Empty A newspaper says al-Baghdadi is alive and talking about his hiding place

    Post by Rocky Tue 25 Jul 2017, 4:00 am

    A newspaper says al-Baghdadi is alive and talking about his hiding place

    Tuesday, July 25

    The newspaper " Al Quds Al Arabi", Tuesday, that the leader of the organization "Daash" Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is still alive, revealing the location that is hiding now, while noting that the leaders of the organization with Baghdadi has become "difficult" in the recent period .

    "Baghdadi is still alive and is currently living in the countryside of Deir al-Zour," the newspaper said in a report, quoting sources. "The news of his death recently mixed him with another leader who was killed weeks ago near the Syrian-Iraqi border."
    British newspaper reports the killing of Baghdadi in Syria
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    "Al-Baghdadi is probably hiding in the villages between Albu Kamal and the fields in the Deir Al-Zour countryside on the Syrian side of the Iraqi-Syrian border, the area where most of the organization's leaders withdrew from cities that have lost control of Iraq and Syria ."

    She said , "Baghdadi" still played a key role leadership, although leaders meet with him and communicate with him Bata Sobein in the recent period, especially with the circulation of news about the killing of leaders of Iraqi prominent were close to Baghdadi, two Iyad Qaraghuli , who was killed in Mosul , and Iyad al - Jumaili Which has not yet confirmed the news of his death, despite the Iraqi government announced the death twice. "

      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 9:10 am