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    Trump calls refugees "bad" and Turnbull is desperate for asylum seekers in Australia

    Admin Assist
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    Trump calls refugees "bad" and Turnbull is desperate for asylum seekers in Australia Empty Trump calls refugees "bad" and Turnbull is desperate for asylum seekers in Australia

    Post by Rocky Sun 06 Aug 2017, 2:52 am

    Trump calls refugees "bad" and Turnbull is desperate for asylum seekers in Australia

    Arabic and International   Saturday, 05 August 2017

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - US President Donald Trump expressed his disdain for asylum seekers as "bad people" during a telephone conversation with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, while the latter stressed that his country absolutely refused to let anyone through Smuggling boats even if he is the best person in the world or a Nobel laureate.

    "I hate to receive these people and I assure you they are in prison now, because they are bad," Trump said in the 24-minute conversation with the Australian prime minister.

    "If we allow refugees to enter the United States, we will be very bad," Trump said.

    Trump also expressed his refusal to recognize the eligibility of asylum seekers to work and become involved in American society. "They will not turn into great people if they go to work or become farmers in the United States," he said, praising Australia's decision to ban refugees arriving on the country by boat .

    The telephone conversation between Donald Trump and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Jan. 28, one of several phone calls the newspaper received after leaking, brought the US president together with a number of US leaders and US officials.

    For his part, the Australian Prime Minister said during the call that his country has prevented the entry of refugees arriving by sea to "reduce smuggling operations and not to anti-Australia refugees in general."

    "Even if you are the best person in the world, or have won the Nobel Prize, we will refuse to come to Australia through the smuggling boats," Turnbull said.

    The telephone conversation took place between Trump and the Prime Minister of Australia, one day after Trump issued an executive order banning the entry of citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries to the United States. On March 6, Trump issued another amended executive order, Because of their country's role in fighting terrorism.

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