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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Asylum seeker describes the Lebanese Australian immigration officers as "monsters" after his deporta

    Admin Assist
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    Posts : 278566
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Asylum seeker describes the Lebanese Australian immigration officers as "monsters" after his deporta Empty Asylum seeker describes the Lebanese Australian immigration officers as "monsters" after his deporta

    Post by Rocky Sat 25 Mar 2017, 4:00 am

    Asylum seeker describes the Lebanese Australian immigration officers as "monsters" after his deportation

    Date: 09:25 03/25/2017

    Information / Baghdad ..

    Australian authorities have announced the deportation of an asylum seeker Lebanese, spent four years in the maritime booking in Manos Island, late last week to Beirut, as described Australian citizen carryover immigration officers as "monsters".

    Recognizes refugee cruiser Baha, 33, an amount of $ 30 thousand dollars by Australian immigration officials to leave the country voluntarily.

    The Trad told the media in Lebanon, "arrived in Beirut and was wearing Chorta because everything has very quickly happened," explaining that he had "spent the night in a cell false in Urengao prison in Manus Island, along with criminals, militants, and left without food or water for 24 hour".

    Trad said, "We have Omsconi and put me in a cell and I could not protest, so I slept on a dirty floor, like I was treated as a terrorist inhuman treatment like that", describing the Australian immigration officers as "monsters".

    Trad issued a travel document from the Lebanese Embassy in Canberra, was not allowed to carry, instead of a passport, where he said in the investigation that his passport was lost in the ocean when seeking asylum several years ago.

    It is noteworthy that Australia does not allow for asylum seekers and illegal immigrants to reach the country's roads is illegal, so be detained in special centers refugees Islands Central Pacific as in Nauru and Manus. Finished / 25
    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 278566
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Asylum seeker describes the Lebanese Australian immigration officers as "monsters" after his deporta Empty Australia: do not negotiate with other countries for the resettlement of asylum seekers

    Post by Rocky Sat 25 Mar 2017, 4:01 am

    Australia: do not negotiate with other countries for the resettlement of asylum seekers

    Date: 09:18 03/25/2017

    Information / Baghdad ..

    The Ministry of Immigration and Protection of the Australian border, that Australia is not engaged in negotiations with any other country for the resettlement of refugees in Nauru and Manus Island.

    The administration secretary Mike Pezzullo before the Australian Senate, not to negotiate other agreements despite earlier hints that the talks with third countries are under way, but the United States of America.

    He added Pezzullo, "there is currently no government direction to pursue such negotiations at the present time."

    It is noteworthy that Australia agreed with the US government on the transfer of all detainees in the detention of asylum-seekers in the islands of Manos and Naor and resettlement in the United States centers, but the agreement had

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