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    Rohani: Nuclear agreement is not a threat to states or surrender to the forces

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    Rohani: Nuclear agreement is not a threat to states or surrender to the forces Empty Rohani: Nuclear agreement is not a threat to states or surrender to the forces

    Post by Rocky Tue 15 Aug 2017, 2:30 am

    Rohani: Nuclear agreement is not a threat to states or surrender to the forces


    Iranian President Sheikh Hassan Rowhani said Tuesday that dealing with the world and protecting the dignity and dignity of Iranians is a foreign policy priority in his new government.
    "The Iranian nuclear file was one of the thorniest and most complex issues of the country. We managed to solve this issue through specialized and comprehensive negotiations, while preserving the country's pride, national consensus and the support of the leadership. We opened a new page of cooperation and cooperation with the world," he said. .

    He referred to the cancellation of the resolutions issued against Iran, which threatened national security and lift the unjust sanctions imposed by the Security Council under Chapter VII of the United Nations, after the implementation of the nuclear agreement. He said the economic and political relations of the Islamic Republic of Iran had made new progress after the nuclear deal. Iran had made great strides in the fields of energy, technology and trade and foiled all attempts, political pressure and a ban aimed at destabilizing and security in Iran.

    He said a new phase had begun in Iran's foreign policy. The nuclear agreement is not a threat against states nor a surrender to foreign powers, but a win-win and balanced agreement, opening the path of cooperation and building confidence in the world.
    President Rohani said that the pretexts that the US administration is making up are the reasons for Iran's success in honoring its commitments and recognizing its rights, America's failure in its ambitions and saying that Iran has complied with its commitments and will follow any violation by others and respond appropriately.

    "Those who seek to return to the language of prohibition and threat are living in the former delusions, and by provoking hostility and fear they are depriving themselves of the benefits of peace.
    "Those who talk about rupturing the nuclear deal have recently heard the advice of some of their advisers that this move will isolate America on the international scene, so they accuse Iran of violating the spirit of the nuclear agreement," he said. While the reports of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have recognized the full implementation of the nuclear agreement by Iran.

    He said the world had clearly seen in recent months that the United States had ignored its international obligations, particularly during the Trump administration. In addition to breaking the Covenant on the Comprehensive Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, it also withdrew from the Paris Climate Convention, The world and its allies are neither a good partner nor a trusted party in the negotiations.
    President Rohani stressed that Iran has committed itself throughout history to its international commitments and will abide by the future, and will defend the rights of the Iranian people under the support of the Iranian people in the face of the breach of the covenant.
    The Iranian president stressed that the nuclear agreement is a model for overcoming peace and diplomacy on war and unilateralism. He said that the Islamic Republic of Iran, despite its weighting for this policy, but would not be the only choice of the country. Sf

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