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    Russia confirms the possession of "Youth of the Year" chemical weapons intended to use in Syria

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Russia confirms the possession of "Youth of the Year" chemical weapons intended to use in Syria Empty Russia confirms the possession of "Youth of the Year" chemical weapons intended to use in Syria

    Post by Rocky Fri 01 Sep 2017, 3:09 am

    Russia confirms the possession of "Youth of the Year" chemical weapons intended to use in Syria

    19:35 - 31/08/2017

    The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that the "Youth of the Year" in Syria has a chemical weapon and intends to use it in the province of Daraa and later accusing government forces of attacking civilians.

    Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told a news conference in Moscow on Thursday that "young Sunnis" had several rockets carrying poisonous heads, saying that "according to our data, armed men are planning to use this weapon in the surrounding towns."

    According to the statement, it is likely to launch armed attacks using chemical weapons in Nawa, Inkhil, Tafs and other areas, noting that the stockpile of the rockets mentioned in the city of Bosra al-Sham in the province of Daraa.

    Zakharova also confirmed that the attempts to organize the terrorist "Front of Victory" legitimized itself by changing its names, saying that this terrorist organization seemed to think that "changing the name would allow it to be withdrawn from the list of terrorist organizations. However, all these attempts to evade The responsibility for committing crimes and legitimizing himself will of course inevitably fail. "

    On the other hand, Russian diplomacy called on the relevant international bodies to verify the information of Russian radio and television reporters about Washington's plan to establish a zone of influence in southern Syria.

    Zakharova said that the report of the Russian station pointed out, according to eyewitness reports, that "the American alliance or the so-called alliance is not only to achieve declared objectives, that is against the terrorists in southern Syria, and even plans to achieve its own objectives," adding that one of these tasks is In establishing its own sphere of influence in the country.

    She explained that the coalition resorted to achieve this goal to hand over weapons of foreign-made to the gunmen, as happened at the base of the tunnel on the borders of Syria, Jordan and Iraq.

      Current date/time is Wed 11 Sep 2024, 2:29 pm