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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Economy for the rich ... and ideologies for the poor ..!

    Admin Assist
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    Economy for the rich ... and ideologies for the poor ..!  Empty Economy for the rich ... and ideologies for the poor ..!

    Post by Rocky Wed 02 Oct 2013, 4:10 am

    Economy for the rich ... and ideologies for the poor ..! .... D. Ali Baban

    Ali Baban, and former Minister of Planning

    Economy for the rich ... and ideologies for the poor ..! .... D. Ali Baban

    Apparent paradox can be deduced by looking at the current international scene ... and the global situation .. the rich are busy contemporary issues and themes of Economics and Technology and the well-being of citizens and happier society .. and poor يكثرون the talk about ideologies and show enthusiasm for historical loyalties, where the root or nodular .

    Rich communities exceeded the debate about issues of identity and poor communities Tstra the inside about these axes and where conflicts erupt, blood, and as it happens increasingly rich .. and powerful richness and power .. It also increases the poorest of the poor, vulnerable and surrender amounts guardians and arrange their future and their destiny in one way or another for those .. rich and powerful who are masters of the world where we want or do not want .. realize it or ignore it.

    Poor conflicts and wars .. do not Ikrrōha are not in control of their tracks .. But the real decision is, however, have the power ... wealth ... and a deep insight into the paths of those conflicts which enthusiastic young players and indulge limit the flow of blood and the destruction of homes to substantiate what we mention ...

    And differences in the poor and real تناقضاتهم .. and deep ... and their bloody conflicts and high cost .. to reach the rich to the ways and means of understanding and coordination of positions and the distribution of interests ... Methods based on rationality and realism, experimental, and when the poor Astra extend each of them his hand .. and yearn blind eye to the axis or a party of the rich to يسنده and offers him support not it happening this policy practiced or penetrates a row (the mighty rich ..) bosses playing تناقضاتهم .. The game is carefully controlled and efficient than before these and managed according to their accounts ...

    Take, for example, our Arab, Islamic and Hopes in conflicts and wars .. And Take, for example, 'flagrant' of devastating conflict in Syria .. Is that the Syrian parties to the conflict are internal controls in its tracks really ..?? , And the broader framework .. Is that regional parties that indulge in support of the Syrian parties to the conflict are the report, which owns the path of conflict and resolve the outcome .. Or it absurd involved in the conflict within the boundaries of the roles have drawn can not be overtaken or determine the final outcome of the conflict as you want strategies set by the rich ... powerful ..??

    Do you wrestle the Russians and the Americans already in the region and conflicting projects or that there is coordination between the two sides high with elaborately distribution of roles and agree on a final version that leads her things ..??

    Do not simplify things and say that everything that goes on on the international stage is (a major plot) and (roles agreed completely between the main centers of the UN resolution), but we emphasize that these centers have coordinated very high and methods developed to manage disagreements and mutual interests and benefits is what we know .. and we expect .. And we are still far from understanding many of the secrets of the game and equivalents .. We do not say that the peoples of the world .. is zero on the north and worthless and that every act and role to the axis of movement (rich .. strongmen) That also simplify the violation and look naive .. and is the abolition of the movement of history that will not stop .. and disable trading for the year, which has been corroborated by the Qur'an (and those days Ndolha the people), but we would like to emphasize is that our people, our communities and our leaders (at the present time section) looks far from realistic to deal with the issues .. and they are still devoid of the civilizational project which already compete with those mighty and put herself on the road to catch up with them.

    Question (Alastncara) that probably jumps to mind .. that this powerful states and communities lack the rich ideological orientation and driven ..?? Is that the West does not hold any (loyalty) and if it was simple (for Christian values) ..?? Is not the Jewish state girl (Zionist ideology) and (Jewish religion ..) ..??

    We who deceive ourselves if Tohemena it .. and if we imagine that those who dominate the international scene currently do not have any loyalty to any strategy .. and that there are no (higher values) are motivated .. it is hard to imagine .. or acceptance .. The United and communities are not moving in a vacuum and to a vacuum .. But (nuance), which should be aware and alert to is that these communities found (a way actually) to serve those ideologies and it (has dealt with the realities of bean sprouts) approach my work ... they have turned their loyalty and enthusiasm for the ideology to the loyalty and enthusiasm of the curriculum practical realist Nations with which to compete and compete, to toil and toil in the fields of economy, technology and synthesized political systems provide her drinking frameworks and limits required stability to walk in this المضامير.

    We have invented these nations (simply) formulas service can process those ideologies and is to win a civilization .. Bmsarah race essential in today's world .. (Economics and Technology), so I did the West, and so do the Jewish state .. and on the same road Nations are going great .. such as China, India and Japan, have grasped the realities of their time and realized the challenges and acted on this basis, even states that their societies devoid of any religious loyalty has developed the concept of (national) and made it an ideology, also made it (the right habitat happiness, well-being and power) or intellectual identity (our novel) ship by motivating its members to work construction and competition.

    Any service to the ideology or doctrine can be provided by a nation mired in poverty and the diseases and internal wars ..??

    A nation embroiled in conflicts with itself and when it senses weakness and Hzalha aspires to its consideration to the historic enemies to ask them to help .. and any periods (loyalty) have expressed degradation in shafts of underdevelopment and poverty and primitive.

    When fired Imam Khomeini God's mercy divided known to the world between (مستكبرين) and (vulnerable), it did not only shed light on the concept of Quranic authentic pig by many Muslims, and in today's world where he became differentiate clearly between the two camps distinct (for مستكبرين) and (vulnerable ), the major task and the historic challenge of our societies is that the move from Camp (vulnerable) to camp (mighty) without undergoing a (proud) ..!!

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