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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Integrity announces the seizure of 19 dunums of real estate in Basra

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Integrity announces the seizure of 19 dunums of real estate in Basra Empty Integrity announces the seizure of 19 dunums of real estate in Basra

    Post by Rocky Mon 13 Aug 2018, 6:34 am

    Integrity announces the seizure of 19 dunums of real estate in Basra

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    The Department of Investigation of the Integrity Commission, on Monday, the seizure of "real estate" with an area of ​​19 dunums in the district of Abu al-Khasib province of Basra . 

    The department said in a statement received by Alsumaria News, a copy, that "the judicial control team in the Directorate of the investigation of the Commission in Basra was able after investigation and audit and move to the real estate registration notice in Abi Al-Khasib to control the rigging and falsification in the registry basis of three properties, "Noting that" the operation was carried out under a warrant judicial control. 

    The department added that "the former director of the real estate registry in the judiciary forged the pages of the basic register and transferred the ownership of real estate to persons other than legitimate owners using forged documents," asserting that "a record of the seizure of assets of all priorities, and the presentation of investigative papers to the investigating judge competent to take Appropriate legal procedures ". 

    It is noteworthy that the Integrity Commission revealed, on the eighth of this month, the ability to control the "manipulation under false documents" real estate in the Shatt al-Arab district of Basra province, an area of ​​four acres.

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