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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Expectations passage of the law of oil and gas during the next parliamentary session.

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Expectations passage of the law of oil and gas during the next parliamentary session.  Empty Expectations passage of the law of oil and gas during the next parliamentary session.

    Post by Rocky Sat 29 Mar 2014, 5:45 pm

    Expectations passage of the law of oil and gas during the next parliamentary session.


    Atfvq politicians and observers with Helms in a press statement of the head of the UN mission to help the ingrate (UNAMI), Nicolas Meladanov which urged during which the need to "formulate the law of oil and gas in order to overcome the outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil," at the forefront of the state budget and resolve differences over the region's share associated the export of oil from wells Kurdistan.
    The UN envoy expressed his regret for not drafting the law, despite the passage of many years.
    He said in this regard, the Kurdistan Alliance MP Khalil District Court that the provincial government believes that the enactment of the oil and gas constitutional requirement, accusing the countries of the region to block the enactment of the law until it clear to Iraq like oil in the region and the world.
    And accused the MP for the rule of law Salman Mohsen Salman partisan views intervention to block the enactment of the oil and gas, according to the draft presented by the government in 2007, explaining that the oil and gas committee has prepared a draft law which is contrary to the Constitution, because the laws that relate to the money should be sent by the government .
    Salman and predicted passage of a law of oil and gas during the next parliamentary session with the availability of the majority in the government and the House of Representatives.
    He sees Majid picture that the legislation of oil and gas law will solve a lot of problems between Erbil and Baghdad, but stressed at the same time that there are a lot of things that constitute a real problem and is not to apply the laws on financial management, public debt, and the distribution of wealth fairly.
    He said the picture that without agreement on the General Administration of the State and to find the necessary mechanisms for the administration is not the law of oil and gas, nor any other law that can address the problems.

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