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    The closure of the oil fields in Dhi Qar enters its tenth day, and losses are in millions of dollars

    Admin Assist
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    The closure of the oil fields in Dhi Qar enters its tenth day, and losses are in millions of dollars Empty The closure of the oil fields in Dhi Qar enters its tenth day, and losses are in millions of dollars

    Post by Rocky Tue 01 Mar 2022, 4:49 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]The closure of the oil fields in Dhi Qar enters its tenth day, and losses are in millions of dollars[/size]

    [size=45]Dhi Qar / Hussein Al-Amil[/size]
    [size=45]The closure of the Dhi Qar Oil Company and the Nasiriyah oil field entered its tenth day after graduates and tribesmen demonstrated a sit-in in front of the gates of the two oil installations to demand appointment. By Dhi Qar Oil Company, the company revealed that 3 foreign companies have suspended their work in developing oil production.[/size]
    [size=45]The province of Dhi Qar has witnessed, for several days, the closure of oil facilities and an escalation in the pace of clan violence towards companies working in the field of developing oil production, as it reached the point of shooting at workers in an oil project and killing an engineer at the work site after the clans objected to the passage of an oil pipeline in their lands. Meanwhile, Dhi Qar Oil Company warned of the effects of tribal threats on oil production and the work of foreign companies working in this vital field.[/size]
    [size=45]An official source in the Dhi Qar Oil Company told Al-Mada that "the sit-ins in front of the Dhi Qar Oil Company have continued to close the company for more than a week, and the same is true with the Nasiriyah oil field, which is surrounded by crowds of the al-Bdour tribesmen," noting that "one of the activists and a number of The sons of the clans demanding the appointment started waving to burn the aforementioned field.”[/size]
    [size=45]The source, whose name we decided not to mention due to administrative necessities, added, "The management of the Dhi Qar Oil Company decided to officially close the field, stop production and hand it over to the Oil Facilities Protection Police, in anticipation of potential risks that could cause a major catastrophe," noting that "closing the field will deprive the Iraqi economy and Dhi Qar Governorate." From nearly 80,000 barrels per day, in light of the high prices that the oil markets are witnessing.”[/size]
    [size=45]Security sources in Dhi Qar province had confirmed the arrival of a force consisting of a regiment of Iraqi army commandos to secure protection for the Nasiriyah oil field, and indicated that the second regiment affiliated to the third brigade of the Iraqi army had arrived in Nasiriyah from the capital, Baghdad, and redeployed around the aforementioned field.[/size]
    [size=45]Regarding the repercussions of closing the field, an official source in the Dhi Qar Oil Company said, “The closure of the Nasiriyah oil field disrupted oil and gas production lines, especially those that supply the electric power station with fuel,” stressing that “three foreign companies working in the field of production development in the aforementioned oil field have withdrawn.” Among them are Weather 4, Baker Hughes and an Italian oil company.[/size]
    [size=45]The source pointed out that “the demands of the sit-in are related to central decisions, such as the appointment and return of the dismissed who do not have educational certificates and others,” noting that “all the demands have been submitted to the center and we are waiting for a decision to be resolved.”[/size]
    [size=45]In turn, the Dhi Qar Oil Company issued a statement in this regard, in which it said, “The management of the Dhi Qar Oil Company decided to stop work at the Nasiriyah gas isolation plant, and to stop oil production operations there,” noting that “it was not possible for workers and affiliates to enter to carry out their duties, due to the continued state of prevention and harassment. The extent of the pressures exerted and the challenges facing the working national cadres.[/size]
    [size=45]The company confirmed in its statement that "the process of closing the oil site came due to the demonstrations and sit-ins by some of those around it, and that these practices have become a danger and a real obstacle to the sustainability of work in this national economic joint."[/size]
    [size=45]On the other hand, the protesters from the Bedour tribes responded to the Dhi Qar Oil Company’s statement in a similar statement, in which it said, “We note to the people of our dear governorate that we have given the concerned authorities until Monday in honor of the martyrdom of Imam Al-Kadhim, peace be upon him.” Al-Gataa at the present time.”[/size]
    [size=45]The statement continued, "We emphasized the peacefulness of the demonstrations since the first day, and we are still maintaining our peace. We entered the tenth day of the sit-in, and there was no clash with the security forces. The sit-down is 2 km from the company’s headquarters.”[/size]
    [size=45]The statement of the Al-Bdour clan explained that “what was mentioned in the statement issued by the company is baseless and is a provocative statement and nothing more,” holding “Dhi Qar Police Commander Lieutenant-General Saad Al-Harbiyeh and engineer Ali Khudair (Director of Dhi Qar Oil Company) responsible for our protesting sons and everything that happens.” for them".[/size]
    [size=45]The statement stressed that "the demonstrations are continuing, and in the event of failure to respond, we will take other escalatory steps."[/size]
    [size=45]For its part, the local government in Dhi Qar moved towards the clans. The governor of Dhi Qar, Dr. Muhammad Hadi, said after the meeting of the al-Bdour tribesmen in the clan’s rackets in the al-Batha district that “the sit-in of the al-Bdour brothers is a peaceful sit-in and the boycott is one of the neglected areas for years,” calling on “those who wish to obtain jobs in the sector.” It is necessary to register with the Employment Office in Al-Batha sub-district, as it is an official body that has obtained fundamental approvals from the Ministry of Labor.”[/size]
    [size=45]The Governor of Dhi Qar indicated that “the budget of Al-Batha district for the year 2021 was fair and according to the population ratio, but the accumulation of the need of the cities of Dhi Qar for services for previous years could not be completed by one year of reconstruction,” noting that “the local government will meet the needs of the region related to it and follow up on the central demands.” Seriously".[/size]
    [size=45]Dhi Qar governorate includes many oil fields, the most prominent of which is the Nasiriyah oil field, which is the largest in the governorate. It comes after the Al-Gharraf oil field, Abu Amoud (Al-Rafidain) field, and Sabbah field. There is also an exploratory patch bearing the number 10. This plot is shared between Dhi Qar and Muthanna. It was referred earlier to an oil exploration consortium consisting of the Japanese Lukoil and Japex companies.[/size]
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