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    An "extraordinary" meeting of the framework leaders regarding the budget disputes.. A Kurdish delega

    Admin Assist
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    An "extraordinary" meeting of the framework leaders regarding the budget disputes.. A Kurdish delega Empty An "extraordinary" meeting of the framework leaders regarding the budget disputes.. A Kurdish delega

    Post by Rocky Sun 28 May 2023, 4:55 am

    An "extraordinary" meeting of the framework leaders regarding the budget disputes.. A Kurdish delegation will be in Baghdad soon
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today, 10:5
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    Today, Sunday, the leader in the coordination framework, Turki Al-Atbi, revealed that an extraordinary meeting of the coordination framework would be held in the presence of its leaders during the next three days.
    Al-Atbi told (Baghdad Today), that "disagreements over the budget caused a delay in handing it over from the Finance Committee to the Presidency of the House of Representatives, and thus the decision to discuss and resolve it was postponed until further notice, and this is a matter that harms all parties, especially with the importance of the budget law for state institutions."
    He added, "The framework supports the principle of political consensus to resolve all items of the 2023 budget," noting that "the framework will hold an extraordinary meeting during the next 72 hours in order to discuss the most important differences in the political scene," noting that "a Kurdish delegation from Erbil may arrive in Baghdad for this." purpose according to expectations.
    Al-Atbi continued, "In resolving the continuation of the disputes without solutions, we will have the option of presenting the budget to Parliament and resolving it according to the majority voting mechanism to pass it," stressing that "this will be the last option, and we hope that the coming days will be resolved in finding fair solutions for all parties."
    Earlier, the coordination framework announced the completion of the draft budget law in full within the Finance Committee.
    The leader in the framework, Hassan Fadam, told (Baghdad Today) that "the budget law was completed within the Finance Committee of the Iraqi Parliament, and all articles and paragraphs of the law were voted on," noting that "during the coming hours, the budget law will be sent to the Presidency of the Parliament." in order to determine the voting session on the law.
    And Fadaam indicated that "the Parliamentary Finance Committee worked to make the budget law fair and equitable," noting that "all Iraqi political forces, Shiite, Sunni, Kurdish, and minorities participated and voted on the paragraphs of the law and amended them in line with the Iraqi constitution and justice in the distribution of wealth."
    He stressed that "the boycott was only by the Kurdistan Democratic Party, and the rest of the Kurdish blocs participated in voting and amending the paragraphs of the budget."
    And the Kurdistan Regional Government considered, earlier, the amendments made by the Parliamentary Finance to the budget regarding the paragraphs of the region, unfair and contrary to the constitution, while the head of the regional government described it as "treason and conspiracy against the Kurdistan region."
    The regional presidency confirmed that it would not abide by these amendments that contradict the political agreement to form the Sudanese government, as well as the Baghdad and Erbil agreement signed with Al-Sudani.
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