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    Kurdish research center: Iran is playing with fire in Kirkuk and bloody events are expected

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    Kurdish research center: Iran is playing with fire in Kirkuk and bloody events are expected Empty Kurdish research center: Iran is playing with fire in Kirkuk and bloody events are expected

    Post by Rocky Wed 30 Aug 2023, 6:57 am

    [size=30]Kurdish research center: Iran is playing with fire in Kirkuk and bloody events are expected
    [ltr]2023.08.30 - 13:32[/ltr]
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    Baghdad - Nas  
    The head of the Tusk Center for Strategic Research in Erbil and university professor, Othman Ali, said that the situation in Kirkuk is very difficult and sensitive, as there is a strong and militant discourse among the ethnic components, accompanied by a gathering of supporters of armed factions to prevent Barzani's party from returning politically to the city "with the support of Tehran."   
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    The head of the center added in a research paper followed by "NAS" (August 30, 2023) that more than one international observer has likened the city of Kirkuk to a powder keg that might explode and burn all of Iraq. This was indicated by the report of the US Congress called the Baker-Hamilton Report and the head of the International Crisis Group, which conducted field studies on the situation. And that the two reports agreed on one pivotal point, which is that unilateral steps by the concerned parties will complicate and explode the crisis, and this will lead to the loss of everyone.  
    The paper noted that Kirkuk is living on the verge of an explosion as a result of an order issued by the Iraqi Prime Minister, some time ago, to evacuate all the headquarters of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Kirkuk and the return of the Parti to those headquarters, with the aim of normalizing the situation in Kirkuk and the return of the Kurdistan Democratic Party to participate in the elections of the Kirkuk Provincial Council, similar to the parties. Kurdish, Arab and other Turkmen, but demonstrations by supporters of factions in the "Shiite Mobilization Forces", especially Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, set up tents and gathered their supporters on the road to Kirkuk and Erbil to prevent the return of the Parti to the city.  
    According to the Kurdish analysis, Shiite factions spread some rumors that the Sudanese government, under pressure from the Americans, is paving the way for the return of the Peshmerga forces to Kirkuk. .  
    The center claims that Iran, behind the scenes, is mobilizing affiliated factions to thwart the Sudanese government's decision to return the KDP, in order to achieve goals, including:  
    1_ Punishment of Massoud Barzani, who conducted the referendum and accuses his party of allying with Iran’s enemies such as the Americans, Israel and the Turkish government, thus achieving a strategic goal for Iran represented in the removal of a Kurdish political party that it considers its main enemy in a region that contains important oil and gas fields.  
    2_ Creating confusion between Baghdad and Erbil, and keeping the situation in Iraq in a state of instability, so that Iran remains the dominant country in a torn and unstable Iraq.  
    3_ Achieving electoral gains in Kirkuk and continuing to continue the sectarian change in the city as it is practiced in all areas with a Sunni majority in Iraq.  
    4_ If the gunmen continue to gather on the Kirkuk-Erbil road, this may create a charged atmosphere between the Kurds and the Arabs, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party may be forced to gather its supporters in anti-rallies, or some circles unwilling to settle in Kirkuk may be exploited by firing a bullet at the demonstrators, and this will lead to bloodshed In the area of ​​demonstrations, we will have repeated the events of 1959 between the Kurds and the Turkmen, but this time it will be between the Arabs and the Kurds. This would have dire consequences for the stability of the government of Muhammad Shia al-Sudani, which is based on the State Administration Coalition, of which the Kurdistan Democratic Party is an essential part.  
    5_ If the matter continues as it is now, the Americans may interfere in the matter in favor of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, and this will give an excuse for Iran's intervention.  
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