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    Planning Committee: Evaluation of the government program next month

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Planning Committee: Evaluation of the government program next month Empty Planning Committee: Evaluation of the government program next month

    Post by Rocky Thu 31 Aug 2023, 5:03 am

    Planning Committee: Evaluation of the government program next month

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    Economy News _ Baghdad
    The Parliamentary Federal Strategic Planning and Service Committee expected to issue the report on evaluating the ministerial curriculum and the government program during the month of September.
    Committee member Badria Ibrahim Al-Barzanji said, in an interview with “Al-Sabah” followed by “Al-Iqtisad News”, that “the committee is obliged to prepare a semi-annual report on the performance of each ministry, in addition to the ministerial curriculum and the government program, which the committee has been working on preparing for more than a month through hosting all ministries before writing any evaluation of the ministry’s performance and inquiring from the minister, general managers and advanced staff.”
    Al-Barzanji added, "The committee, since choosing its chairman, distributed the work so that each member has 3-4 ministries to supervise it, in addition to consultants to collect and submit reports, which the committee is still working on very intensively."
    She revealed that "the committee will have a major role in the prime minister taking the appropriate decision regarding ministerial changes through the committee's evaluation of the performance of the ministers," noting that "some ministers were late in starting projects and ministries' curricula under the pretext of an obstacle to approving the budget," noting that "the committee answered that it can be done." A lot of things in the ministry and its departments without there being a budget.
    The committee member criticized "the lack of coordination between the ministries in order to serve the citizen in the country, which leads the citizen to be constantly critical of the government and its institutions because of the delay in his treatment or other procedures generated by the lack of coordination."
    She explained that "the government has made it a priority to follow up on the implementation of its program and the ministerial platform," noting that "the launch of the budget last month will eliminate the arguments of lagging officials."
    Al-Barzanji expected "the launch of the report on evaluating the ministerial curriculum and the government program next month," stressing that "there is a weakness and imbalance in the work of some ministries discovered through hosting operations."

    Added 08/31/2023 - 8:24 AM
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