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    Azerbaijan: Apply to join the development path project in Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Azerbaijan: Apply to join the development path project in Iraq Empty Azerbaijan: Apply to join the development path project in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sun 03 Dec 2023, 6:47 am

    Azerbaijan: Apply to join the development path project in Iraq

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    The Azerbaijani Ambassador to Iraq, Nasir Mammadov, announced today, Sunday, his country’s intention to join the development road project in Iraq, and while he indicated that there are efforts to increase the volume of trade exchange between the two countries, he revealed the visit of a high-level delegation to discuss 5 important files.
    Mammadov said, "Bilateral relations between the two countries are witnessing great development," indicating that "his country is particularly interested in developing relations with Iraq."
    He pointed out, "A high-level official delegation from Azerbaijan will visit Iraq next week, and the third meeting of the joint governmental committee between the two countries will be in Baghdad."
    He explained, "The Azerbaijani delegation, which will visit Baghdad, will discuss mutual investment between the two countries, cooperation in the field of oil and gas, in the field of higher education, scientific and cultural research, and sending Iraqi students to Azerbaijan."
    He added, "The first forum for Azerbaijani and Iraqi businessmen will be held in Baghdad next week."
    Regarding the volume of trade exchange with Iraq, Mamdov explained that “trade exchange with Iraq is very small, as it reached only 6 million dollars during the first 6 months of the current year.”
    According to him, “We will make many mutual visits to increase the volume of trade exchange during the coming year 2024,” adding: “It is very important that there be a visit by businessmen between the two countries.”
    He pointed out, "The embassy is working with Iraqi official authorities and businessmen to increase the amount of trade exchange between the two countries."
    The Azerbaijani ambassador stressed that "his government is very interested in the path of development in Iraq, so it is possible that Azerbaijan will join the project in the future."
    Regarding gas investment, he stated that “the issue is under study by the Iraqi side, and we are awaiting a response from the Minister of Oil or the concerned authorities.”

    Views 16
    Added 12/03/2023 - 3:15 PM
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