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    Iraq receives a new batch of F16 fighter aircraft next week

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 4285
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Location : San Antonio

    Iraq receives a new batch of F16 fighter aircraft next week Empty Iraq receives a new batch of F16 fighter aircraft next week

    Post by lonelyintexas Thu 05 Nov 2015, 7:40 am

    Iraq receives a new batch of F16 fighter aircraft next week


    04:31: 04/11/2015

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    Khandan - The chairman of the Security and Defense Committee in the Iraqi Council of Representatives of quitting, said that "Iraq will take over next week, a new batch of F-16 aircraft." Said Zamili in remarks to the agency "Anatolia", "Iraq will take over next week, a new batch of F-16" he said, adding, "We expect that the batch includes five aircraft, after that we received in the last batch of four aircraft." Iraq had received, the middle of the month of July, four aircraft of the F-16, from the American company "Lockheed Martin", as the first batch of out of 36 aircraft it had been contracted. Iraq has signed a contract with the US administration in 2011, for the purchase of 36 aircraft from the F-16, and comes as part of the strategic framework agreement signed between Baghdad and Washington in 2008. (AA)

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    Finally, glad to see this coming up.

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