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    Glenn Beck Predicts New World Order. Global Reset. U.S. Will Be A 3rd World State


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    Glenn Beck Predicts New World Order. Global Reset. U.S. Will Be A 3rd World State  Empty Glenn Beck Predicts New World Order. Global Reset. U.S. Will Be A 3rd World State

    Post by Neno Tue 02 Apr 2013, 1:42 pm

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    Glenn Beck Predicts New World Order. Global Reset. U.S. Will Be A 3rd World State  Empty Re: Glenn Beck Predicts New World Order. Global Reset. U.S. Will Be A 3rd World State

    Post by csd9013 Tue 02 Apr 2013, 2:01 pm

    I don't know that I totally agree with Beck. I do believe if Obama has his way America will become a muslim country.
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    Glenn Beck Predicts New World Order. Global Reset. U.S. Will Be A 3rd World State  Empty Re: Glenn Beck Predicts New World Order. Global Reset. U.S. Will Be A 3rd World State

    Post by Rocky Tue 02 Apr 2013, 2:23 pm

    here csd9013

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    Glenn Beck Predicts New World Order. Global Reset. U.S. Will Be A 3rd World State  Empty Re: Glenn Beck Predicts New World Order. Global Reset. U.S. Will Be A 3rd World State

    Post by csd9013 Tue 02 Apr 2013, 2:57 pm

    Thanks, rocky. I had never saw that video. The world as we know it is changing faster than I thought.

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    Glenn Beck Predicts New World Order. Global Reset. U.S. Will Be A 3rd World State  Empty Re: Glenn Beck Predicts New World Order. Global Reset. U.S. Will Be A 3rd World State

    Post by Neno Tue 02 Apr 2013, 3:20 pm

    I did my share with "7"... ;)
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    Glenn Beck Predicts New World Order. Global Reset. U.S. Will Be A 3rd World State  Empty Re: Glenn Beck Predicts New World Order. Global Reset. U.S. Will Be A 3rd World State

    Post by elandur Wed 03 Apr 2013, 8:10 am

    I hope Beck is wrong (and I am pretty sure he hopes so too). Nevertheless, I fear he may be correct in the main, and perhaps only wrong in degree and specifics. You can see the shifts happening on a weekly if not daily basis already. China has been locking up resources for years now, and spreading their influence across the globe. Already they are better received even in our own hemisphere than we are. They have been building and modernizing their military for years now as well, chalking up double digit increases in their military budget for the last 10-15 years. China is in it for the long game.

    We now have the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) setting up their own investment banking system, bypassing the World Bank and IMF, both controlled by the US and Europe. China has entered bilateral agreements with several countries (including Australia) for direct trade in each other's currencies, bypassing the US Dollar. Iraq, as you know, is poised to become the 2nd largest oil produceer here in the near future. But it is not US companies that are invested there - it's Chinese.

    Russia has been increasing their influence as well. The are a top energy producer, providing the bulk of the natural gas that runs Europe. They are also a top gold producer as well. Increases in both commodities has been good for Russia. They have begun expanding their military influence as well; they are once again flying wartime missions off our coasts, and patrolling the seas with their nuke boats. They appear to have secured a naval base at Cypress, something they were never able to do during the Cold War. And of course, they have been aiding Iran in their pursuit of nuclear energy.

    The entire north of Africa seems poised to become the new Islamic Caliphate. Glenn mentioned Chinese influence in Central Africa as a counterbalance - and there is a lot of Chinese influence there. I can see perhaps South Africa as part of the picture as well, not only as a military presence (they reportedly once did develope nuclear weapons, but gave them up), but as a BRICS partner as well. The BRICS are poised to be the new "big five." This will mark the first time that Africa and South America step up on the world stage to become power brokers, with the center of gravity shifting to Asia.

    The US and Europe? Well, look around you. We are broke. We are going to be busy with our own internal struggles for quite some time, and beholding to China, (and to a lesser extent, Japan) as the holders of our debt. It will be interesting to see how the China-Japan thing plays out. Since we will no longer be able to guarantee Japan's safety with our nuclear umbrella, Japan will be forced, I believe, to develop nuclear weapons of their own - or become a Chinese protectorate. There is still a LOT of bad blood between the two countries over WW II, so if that occurs, Japan is likely to suffer badly.

    I don't think most folks understand exactly what it means for the US Dollar to be the "World Reserve Currency" and how that will affect us when it is no longer the case. They seem to think that life will go on much as it does now. Wrong! And don't forget our propensity these days to shoot ourselves in both feet and other parts of our body. The reaction here will not be good and there is no telling what it will usher in. One thing is certain; we will no longer be able to afford many of the things that we do today. Space program - gone. Military - significantly diminished. Take a look at Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union as a model. Our navy will be mostly at home, rusting. Our Air Force will be significantly smaller, as will our army - neither will be able to afford maintain the weapon systems they currently have, much less upgrade anything. In Russia, there was real fear of nuclear weapons falling into unfriendly hands. The same will be true here. In fact, you may see Russia, China, and others come into the US to "help" us manage or destroy those systems. We did the same with Russia after the SU collapsed.

    Europe in the main may be fortunate if the Muslim influence doesn't at the very least start some serious civil unrest that makes the events in France a few years ago look like a minor dust-up. Some states, like the Netherlands, are pretty much a lost cause at this point. I would not be a bit surprised to see a resurgeance of Nazi influence either - Golden Dawn, spreading out of Greece, as a reaction to both the monitary collapse and the Muslim unrest. Remember that one of Mussolini's big promises was to "make the trains run on time," something that most thought impossible, but which he achieved. The big rallying cry here will be to fix the monitary system and reclaim Europe for Europeans. Russia will want to keep this as far from their borders as possible. And while they have no love for Nazis, they may use the movement to combat the Muslims.

    Don't expect anyone to rush to the aid of the United States. There will be plenty of folks willing to exploit us, but that is about it. We may have difficulty keeping the union together. Alaska is a long way off - and Russia would like to get it back. Without a navy, Hawaii is ripe for the picking - and there are many native Hawaiians who still think that becoming a state was a big mistake.

    The American Southwest is unstable. There are many there who believe it was unjustly siezed from Mexico and should be returned. There are others who think that a new Hispanic homeland (kind of like Palestine) would be a fine idea (Atzlan). Texas has the resources to be its own country again. Would it be inclined to do so? There was talk once about Canada breaking up, and the western provinces petitioning for statehood. Could the reverse happen? Should we decide to stop fracking, for example, might North Dakota attempt to join Canada?

    And then, as Glenn rightly pointed out, there is the Muslim influence in this country as well. You don't hear much about Deerborn, MI, but apparently it is all but a Muslim enclave now, where the call to prayer is sounded five times a day across the city, just as in the Middle East. We have spent the last 40 years turning this country from one where being American was a common identity, to one more resembling the Balkans, where everyone is a hyphenated American, and such differences are "celebrated" much more so than a common identity. One thing that many minorities are agreeing on however is that the day of "whitey" running things is over. Many of them don't seem to have "equality" at the top of their "to do" list when they take power. If we have a general economic collapse here in the US, with so many different factions competing for power, things could get inordinately messy.

    Then again, I, Glenn, and others could be completely mistaken. We might just muddle through. Economic realities of the past may be totally inoperative now. Maybe you can get something for nothing. Perhaps others around the world will back off in their ambitions and realize that having a worthless US dollar as a world reserve currency, is a good thing. Maybe we will all learn to live together in peace and harmony. We can only hope, I suppose.

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