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    ISIS Captures 175 Innocent People And Butchers All Of Them In Cold Blood


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

     ISIS Captures 175 Innocent People And Butchers All Of Them In Cold Blood Empty ISIS Captures 175 Innocent People And Butchers All Of Them In Cold Blood

    Post by Lobo Tue 12 Apr 2016, 6:22 pm


    ISIS Captures 175 Innocent People And Butchers All Of Them In Cold Blood

    By Ted on April 8, 2016 in Featured, General
    In one of their most brutal massacres yet, ISIS massacred 175 innocent people, as we read in one report:
    Islamic State militants have killed 175 workers who were captured at a cement factory situated to the east of Damascus, Sputnik Arabic reported, citing its sources.
    Reuters had earlier cited the Syrian military as saying that 175 workers from the Badiyah cement factory had been killed by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militants.
    However, the agency retracted its report shortly afterwards, saying that the sourcing on the story “was misattributed” and the report is “unconfirmed.”
    Sputnik Arabic’s sources said at least 75 plant workers managed to escape during the IS attack, while 175 others were reportedly killed.
    On Thursday, Syrian SANA news agency reported a source in the Ministry of Industry who said that more than 300 Syrian civilians were missing following an Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) attack on the Badiyah cement factory located outside Dmeir, about 50km to the east of the capital Damascus.
    “The company has informed the officials that over 300 workers and contractors have been kidnapped by Islamic State militant group,” the military source told the agency.
    A factory administrator told AFP that the factory workers have been unreachable since Monday.
    “We haven’t been able to reach our family members since noon on Monday after an attack by Daesh [Arabic pejorative term for IS] on the factory. We have no information about where they are,” a resident of the town of Dmeir said on Thursday.
    Two years ago, posted a leaked video of ISIS slaughtering countless people. The number of victims was said to be at around 1500 people.
    The video caption stated that there were 1,500 individuals. The video shows their end being shot at point blank in several horrific mass slaughters reminiscent to what we see during Nazi Germany. The young teens begged for their lives as they were made to curse Al-Maliki but to no avail while they were forced to chant “long live the Muslim nation”. were the first to discover the video:
    The voice speaks how they captured soldiers covering their uniforms with civilian cloths. Then they show soldiers pleading cursing Maliki while other chant “long live Islamic Nation”. The last man they slapped as they went down to the river had part of his back showing as his shirt was short and they blurred his skin lest it was sexually arousing. Then they are seen shooting the captives in the head and tossing them in the river under a pool of blood as the narrator from the ISIS stated victoriously:
    We will revenge and will return measure with measures … soon the Muslim will walk everywhere dignified with his head high …
    After the men were executed and tossed in the river the voice goes to say “Here was the spark ignited in Iraq. It will arise Allah willing until they burn the armies of the cross in Dabiq“.
    According to Islam, Dabiq is a prophetic battle which speaks of the Last Hour (Day of Judgment) would not come until the Christian masses would land at Dabiq (in Syria) and they will be defeated and then the cross is finally destroyed and all Christian survivors that are left will convert to Islam.
    The reason for throwing victims in the river stems from Khalid bin Walid. When the Christians and Persians from Ullays turned down a peace offer by Khalid bin Al-Walid, the most respected Muslim general in Muslim history.
    The story goes that when Khalid made a vow to Allah during the battle that if he defeated these resistors, he would make the canal that surrounded their village literally run with their blood. When the outcome was in Khalid’s favor, it actually took a day and a half to behead all of the captives. The obstacle for Khalid was that the ravine of blood coagulated and Khalid’s troops were forced to eventually release water into the canal in order that it would run red with the blood of the slain lest Khalid’s vow be left unfulfilled.
    Some of Khalid’s men wanted to meticulously fulfill his wishes:
    Even if you were to kill all the population of the earth, their blood would still not run… Therefore send water over it, so that you may fulfill your oath.
    Khalid had blocked the water from the canal. Now Khalid brought the water back, so that it flowed with spilled blood. Owing to this it has been called Blood Canal to this day.

      Current date/time is Wed 05 Jun 2024, 2:09 pm