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    Trebil Baghdad waiting for a signal to start work amid fears of "Daash"

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    Trebil Baghdad waiting for a signal to start work amid fears of "Daash" Empty Trebil Baghdad waiting for a signal to start work amid fears of "Daash"

    Post by Rocky Mon 23 May 2016, 3:30 am

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    Trebil Baghdad waiting for a signal to start work amid fears of "Daash"

     Baghdad / Acer Jabbar 

    Confirmed the Interior Ministry 's border crossings Directorate, on Sunday, thereadiness Trebil border with Jordan in Anbar province, to work if the central government 'sapproval of its opening, as economists predicted that contribute to the revitalization of the domestic market, importers confirmed that the port opening will contribute to reduce the cost of their goods and ease pressure on the central and southern ports despite the "fear of targeting" the organization (Daash). the director general of border ports Maj . Gen. Sami Sudanese in an interview to the (long - Presse), " the Trebil border with Jordan, has become fit for work after its liberation by the Iraqi forces and the crowd People from the control of the organization (Daash) , "noting that" the port ready to work logistically and infrastructure. " He added Sudan, the" angel of the port of officers and staff, mattresses, arrived at the port and they are ready to work directly about better than before , "referring to that "awaiting central government approval to work directly port Trebil circle". And on the perpetrators of the newborn and based, with Syria, he emphasized Alhdoah ports manager, they "will be ready if Tominhma completely by the security forces, to be Rphihma necessary Palmlakat a prelude to the resumption of their work." In turn, the deputy head of theUnion of Entrepreneurs of Iraq on behalf of Jamil Antoine, in terms of the ( long - Presse), " the Trebil is one of the most important border crossing points for goods and goods entering Iraq because of its proximity compared to other outlets, like Basra, and the lack of costs borne by the importers through it ." He predicted Antoine, that "contribute to the opening of Trebil and the rest of the ports in Anbar province, the revitalization the economic situation and reduce the costs to the importers , "calling to" facilitate the task of importers and traders to support the Iraqi economy. " He stressed Antoine , an economist, that there is a " problem may befacing the market as a result of shrinkage of the economic situation as a result of a stronger dollar against thedinar, as well as the presence of creditors who did not get their money , "noting that" Iraq 's imports in 2013 amounted to $ 70 billion, while is now up to fifty billion dollars only. "  He called Antoine, the need to " develop border crossing points similar to their counterparts in neighboring countries and the world ", criticizing the " lack of good services in border crossing points, Kalkhozn and demarcation and others. " for his part, imported Ali Alwan, in an interview to the (long - Presse)," the importers are still apprehensive about the use of Trebil now , "attributing the reason to" fear of risk Bdaathm and money, as well as abstinence the owners of the trucks from the behavior of the road leading to the port Trebil for fear of gangs (Daash) terrorist. " inturn, the merchant in a beautiful industrial area, east of Baghdad, Seif Star in an interview to the (long -Presse)," the opening of Trebil will save big money traders and importers who have to enter their wares from the twisted and far relatively routes through Basra ports or Wasit " , " pointing out that " the opening of Trebil will ease the pressure on the rest of central and southern ports." the captain Jordanian truck owners Mohammed Daoud confirmed, on Saturday (21 May 2016) that loss Kingdom of closing Trebil border with Iraq amounted to more than $ 700 million. the joint Special operations command, announced on Thursday (19 May 2016), for regaining control fully on wet spend, west of Anbar, stressing inflict (Daash ) heavy losses in lives and equipment. and lost Iraqi security forces to control the border with Jordan Trebil port, the summer of 2014, after obtaining the collapse of security in the provinces of Nineveh, Kirkuk, Salahuddin, Anbar and Diyala.
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