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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Maliki held a closed-door meeting with Barzani to discuss outstanding issues

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    Maliki held a closed-door meeting with Barzani to discuss outstanding issues Empty Maliki held a closed-door meeting with Barzani to discuss outstanding issues

    Post by Rocky Sun 09 Jun 2013, 7:27 am

    Maliki with Nnigervan Barzani, in an earlier meeting

    Alsumaria News / Erbil
    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, Sunday, closed-door meeting with the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government Iraq Nnigervan Barzani discuss outstanding issues between Baghdad and the region.
    follow ..

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    Maliki held a closed-door meeting with Barzani to discuss outstanding issues Empty Maliki and Barzani convene a closed-door meeting

    Post by chouchou Sun 09 Jun 2013, 7:30 am

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    Shafaq News / Kurdistan Region’s
    President, Massoud Barzani and the Federal government’s Prime Minister ,
    Nuri al-Maliki convene on Sunday, a closed meeting to discuss
    outstanding differences between Erbil and Baghdad.

    “Shafaq News” reporter in Erbil said that the parties entered a
    closed-door meeting after the federal government held its regular
    meeting in Erbil.

    It is hoped that the parties will discuss outstanding differences
    between Baghdad and Erbil, in which the two sides exchanged accusations
    over the past period.

    There are old problems between Baghdad and Erbil over disputed areas
    and oil wealth management as well as the budget of the Regional Guard
    “Peshmerga” and others.

    Kurdistan relationship was characterized of severe tense with the
    federal government during the second term of, Nuri al-Maliki, as
    Kurdistan says that al-Maliki is being solitary in decisions making and
    is moving the country towards dictatorship, but al-Maliki says that he
    applies the Constitution.

    Tensed relations threatened the old strategic alliance between the
    Kurds and the Shiite National Alliance, which dates back to the period
    of their opposition to the former Iraqi regime.
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    Interacting Investor
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    Maliki held a closed-door meeting with Barzani to discuss outstanding issues Empty Re: Maliki held a closed-door meeting with Barzani to discuss outstanding issues

    Post by mochasmom Sun 09 Jun 2013, 7:33 am

    This play by play stuff is killing me! Love closed door meetings though!

    Posts : 5062
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    Maliki held a closed-door meeting with Barzani to discuss outstanding issues Empty Breaking News-- Maliki holds "behind scene" meeting with Massoud Barzani

    Post by chouchou Sun 09 Jun 2013, 7:33 am

    Arbil / NINA / A source in the presidency of the Kurdistan region said
    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki held behind doors meeting in Arbil with
    Kurdish regional president Massoud Barzani.

    The source added, in a
    statement to the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA / the two sides
    discussed the contention points between Baghdad and Erbil, including oil
    and gas law and Article 140 and Peshmerga allocations. / End

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    Maliki held a closed-door meeting with Barzani to discuss outstanding issues Empty Re: Maliki held a closed-door meeting with Barzani to discuss outstanding issues

    Post by zimi31 Sun 09 Jun 2013, 8:45 am

    mochasmom wrote:This play by play stuff is killing me! Love closed door meetings though!

    Me's the only place 'stuff' really gets done!!!

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    Age : 61
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    Maliki held a closed-door meeting with Barzani to discuss outstanding issues Empty Re: Maliki held a closed-door meeting with Barzani to discuss outstanding issues

    Post by Neno Sun 09 Jun 2013, 9:48 am

    Moch you and Zimi are killing me with those forward comments... lol!

    Tensed relations threatened the old strategic alliance between the
    Kurds and the Shiite National Alliance, which dates back to the period
    of their opposition to the former Iraqi regime.
    I bet, it is what happens when you live in the (that) past... ;)

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    Maliki held a closed-door meeting with Barzani to discuss outstanding issues Empty Re: Maliki held a closed-door meeting with Barzani to discuss outstanding issues

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