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    Disagreements over retirement age hinder passage of the Federal Court Act

    Interacting Investor
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    Disagreements over retirement age hinder passage of the Federal Court Act Empty Disagreements over retirement age hinder passage of the Federal Court Act

    Post by lonelyintexas Sun 21 Jul 2013, 8:09 am

    Disagreements over retirement age hinder passage of the Federal Court Act


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    Khandan - ruled out a coalition of state law, the passage of the Federal Court soon, despite the parliamentary blocs reached the semi-final agreement, and said that "some seek to punish people through the law required the retirement age for the President of the Court."

    A spokesman for the state law Ali Falh of the newspaper Al-Hayat that "proposals many Ktltna and there are a large number of MPs support it, as evidenced by the lack of a quorum in every time intended to pass the law in its current form."

    He added: "We refuse to be the appointment of judges in the Court by sectarian or partisan, as we seek to raise the retirement age for the President of the Court," adding that "the other blocs want legislation law in this period to punish some people, including the President of the Court former Medhat Mahmoud by lowering the retirement age and prevent him from running again. "

    The Falh added that "the political blocs Federal Court accuses of siding with the executive branch, and is now trying to drag to the federal parliament and control over the appointment of members, and this is a serious matter should not be tolerated."

    And whether the objection of state law on the principle of quotas includes law scholars, said Falh that "this is a foregone conclusion, and there is a consensus upon, it must be the presence of scholars of Shiites and Sunnis in court," likely to take the law much longer before it can be agreed upon.

    It demands a coalition of state law other non-replacement of the current Court judges at once, but in two installments, and the Court Judicial Council and one president.

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