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    The White House is witnessing the chaos Harward rejecting the post of national security adviser

    Admin Assist
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    The White House is witnessing the chaos Harward rejecting the post of national security adviser Empty The White House is witnessing the chaos Harward rejecting the post of national security adviser

    Post by Rocky Sat Feb 18, 2017 6:15 am

    [size=36][size=33]The White House is witnessing the chaos Harward rejecting the post of national security adviser[/size][/size]
    The news agency Buratha 8[ltr]  02/18/2017[/ltr]
    The White House is witnessing the chaos Harward rejecting the post of national security adviser 58a81becbe298

    Robert Harward refused to nominate US President, Donald Trump, his position in the US national security adviser.
    The Harward, a retired naval team, is the most prominent candidate for the job, after the exemption Trump Michael Flynn's last Monday.
    The White House said Harward rejected the offer due to family and financial commitments, but media reports indicated that the reason for the rejection is a requirement to work in the private Harward his team, which was rejected by the US administration.
    It was reported that Flynn misled the US vice-president, Mike Pence, for talks with the Russian ambassador in the United States such as Trump assume the presidency.
    Harward refused to came to the post a few hours after Trump denied media reports of chaos in the White House, stressing that the new administration is working meticulously, "such as the machine."
    It coincides with the expectations of rejection set the Head of Communications at the White House on Friday. According to US media that the candidate is Mike Dobki, the founder of "Crossroads Media" group of the Republican Party media.
    He said Harward told The Associated Press: "Trump understood the management of their professional and personal my needs," stressing that the rejection was purely personal reasons.
    In response to a question about the issue of acceptance of the offer on condition run his own team, Harward, aged sixty years and who is the executive management of the company Lockheed Martin in Abu Dhabi, he said, "The whole thing is due to the President, the only one who can deal with it."
    Michael Flynn was sacked amid allegations that he discussed the US sanctions on Russia with a Russian envoy, even before assuming the post of national security adviser in the White House.
    This is a violation of the law, which prevents citizens from diplomatic work without official status entitles them to do so.
    He denied Flynn initially contacts the Russian Ambassador to Washington, Sergey Kislyak.
    But Trump asked him to resign from his post Monday, after the betrayal of the Vice President, Mike Pence discovery, on diplomatic talks.
    He called a number of prominent Republican leaders to investigate the leaks published by the CIA, which have led to the resignation Flynn.
    There are other candidates for the post of the US president's national security adviser; two retired Gen. David Petraeus, the acting national security adviser Keith Kellogg.
    Kellogg's name emerged, retired Major-General, as a candidate for the position after taking business to US national security adviser following the resignation of Acting Flynn.
    Kellogg and served in the US Army for a long time, including his years of service in Vietnam and Iraq before retiring in 2003. He took the retired general, aged 72 years, the post of security adviser to the US software giant Oracle as soon as he retired from the army.
    The Petros, has retired from the post of President of the US Central Intelligence Agency in 2012, after the discovery of leaked confidential information to the writer his autobiography, which was later shown that emotional connection with them.
    Meer is still the former director of central intelligence under surveillance for misconduct in the tip, and it needs to notify its control official if they wish to relocate to Washington.

      Current date/time is Wed Jun 05, 2024 5:27 am