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    Germany rejects accusations of Trump as the city of NATO and Washington have large amounts of money

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    Germany rejects accusations of Trump as the city of NATO and Washington have large amounts of money Empty Germany rejects accusations of Trump as the city of NATO and Washington have large amounts of money

    Post by Rocky Sun 19 Mar 2017, 2:26 pm

    Germany rejects accusations of Trump as the city of NATO and Washington have large amounts of money

    The news agency Buratha 29 03/19/2017

    Dismissed Defense Minister German Sunday accused US President Donald Trump that her country condemns NATO large amounts of money, and the United States in exchange for military expenses, where she said Ursula von der Yin close to Chancellor Angela Merkel in a statement, "There is no account in which the debt registered with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization" adding that expenditures within NATO should not be the sole criterion for measuring the military efforts of Germany.

    The US president has launched an attack on Germany on Saturday, stressing that Berlin pay more money to meet to benefit from the security umbrella secured by NATO and Washington.

    Trump said in Ngridtan after less than 24 hours after his meeting with German Chancellor Friday at the White House, said that Germany "City of large amounts of money" to the Atlantic alliance. Adding that it "must be paid to the United States the largest sums for strong defense and very costly provided for Germany."

    Merkel had confirmed Friday that Germany would increase its defense expenditure to reach the goal of 2% of gross domestic product agreed by the members of the alliance in the past during the ten-year period.

    Germany currently pay 1.2% of gross domestic product, and there are few of the member states of NATO up to the level of 2%. And Sunday, the German defense minister made it clear that the promised military spending increase does not include all of NATO. She said, "The link between the rate of 2% that we want to be reached in the middle of the next decade, and only the Atlantic alliance was wrong."

    She added that military expenditures will also be addressed "peace missions we undertake within the United Nations, the European and our tasks and our contribution to the fight against the" Islamic state "."

    In response to the demands of Trump Management Minister he acknowledged that he must do "fair distribution" of military expenditures among NATO members.
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    Posts : 277540
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Germany rejects accusations of Trump as the city of NATO and Washington have large amounts of money Empty Trump calls for Berlin to "pay more" for the United States to defend Germany Sunday, 19 March 2017

    Post by Rocky Sun 19 Mar 2017, 2:34 pm

    Trump calls for Berlin to "pay more" for the United States to defend Germany
    Sunday, 19 March 2017 11:25

    News / Baghdad
    He demanded US President Donald Trump , Germany to pay huge amounts of money the city by the NATO Atlantic , stressing that Berlin should have to pay more to the United States to defend it.

    Trump wrote on Twitter , "Germany city of large amounts of money to NATO and the United States is supposed to receive the largest sums for strong defense and very costly provided for Germany."
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    Meanwhile, German Chancellor Angela Merkel recalled in the joint press conference with Trump Saturday, he had already expressed during the recent NATO summit in Britain for her country 's readiness to increase its spending on "defense purposes" within the alliance NATO .

    The US president, demanded in a speech to Congress earlier this month, the United States partners commitment to their financial pledges, and "contributing fairly to bear the expenses."

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