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    Abadi: heading towards the economy, development and education

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 272112
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    Abadi: heading towards the economy, development and education Empty Abadi: heading towards the economy, development and education

    Post by Rocky Thu 13 Jul 2017, 3:04 am

    Abadi: heading towards the economy, development and education

    7/13/2017 0:00

    Park supporting the battle efforts to achieve the victory of
    Baghdad / morning
    put the prime minister, Haider al - Abadi, among other points , he said that the government will strive to achieve during the coming period, following the military victories achieved, taking economic aspects, developmental, educational, as well as the fight against corruption and activating the law, the head of those points.
    Calls for the prime minister, to activate the developmental aspects in Iraq, came after the great military victories in Mosul, those victories described by US President Donald Trump during a telephone conversation with al - Abadi, as "great stories resonate throughout the world."
    For the third day of victory announced the tenth of July , which was followed by the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, rolled cables of international greetings, which praised the courage and the ability of security forces to defeat terrorism, all of which have agreed on the need to assign Iraq 's efforts in post - elimination entirely on "Daesh" a position adopted by the Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Al - Ahmad Al - Jaber Al - Sabah, who expressed his country 's readiness to host planned for the reconstruction of Iraq and the international conference.
    Ebadi said, in a speech opening the Cabinet meeting on Wednesday: " The heroes are human rights defenders and sacrifice themselves for human civilians and save liberation, and the government supportive of the efforts to defend human rights and be held accountable for any violation, and humanitarian organizations to ensure and verify sources Cheers and see the people of Mosul and welcomed the Iraqi forces
    liberated. " He also stressed the Prime Minister, that " the direction of future government should be focused on the economic side, development, and education , which is the basis for the rise of the state and society, and the need to fight corruption , which has damaged the state and society, and to activate the law", as alive Abadi , "all supporting battle efforts and all of the development the right word and shares its place to achieve victory. "

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