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    Abadi: Peshmerga cooperated with the joint forces did not respond to calls for escalation

    Admin Assist
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    Abadi: Peshmerga cooperated with the joint forces did not respond to calls for escalation Empty Abadi: Peshmerga cooperated with the joint forces did not respond to calls for escalation

    Post by Rocky Wed 25 Oct 2017, 2:17 am

    [ltr]Abadi: Peshmerga cooperated with the joint forces did not respond to calls for escalation[/ltr]

     From 2017-10-24 at 18:48 (Baghdad time)
    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/ltr]
    [ltr]Baghdad - Mawazine News[/ltr]
    [ltr]Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi said on Tuesday that the Peshmerga forces cooperated with the joint forces and did not respond to calls for escalation that were launched by some influential political parties in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.[/ltr]
    [ltr]"Unfortunately, the leaders of the Kurdistan region have pushed against the Iraqi armed forces, although the Peshmerga have not responded to them," Abadi told a news conference attended by Mawazine News.[/ltr]
    [ltr]He added that "the Saddamist approach used by the region is rejected," stressing that "the voices should disappear and that provoke sedition and hatred and to honor Iraq silence."[/ltr]
    [ltr]"The Arab leaders we have met in our recent tour have confirmed their firm position in support of Iraq's unity and the extension of federal authority and respect for the constitution," Abadi said. "We are a state that does not oppress its citizens and invest its resources for the benefit of the citizen."[/ltr]
    [ltr]Regarding the situation in Kirkuk, Abadi stressed that "the areas are cooperating and the city is living in a climate of peace, stability and coexistence, and the people of the province cooperate with the Iraqi forces." He pointed out that "the entry of federal forces to Kirkuk was the gain of citizens."[/ltr]
    [ltr]Abadi warned of "incitement, lying and spreading hatred through satellite channels in Kurdistan, which calls Iraq an enemy," stressing that "the approach of these channels the same approach Saddam and we will face all instigators according to the law."[/ltr]
    [ltr]And on some channels and the Kurdish media, which calls on the Iraqi forces the term of the enemy, and the Peshmerga forces that blew up the bridge Elton Kubri, said Abadi, "they can not boast of killing Iraqis, and there is no honorable citizen destroy bridges," stressing that "those who fight and hostile forces is fighting For the introduction of oil resources pockets of people and influential in the region. "[/ltr]
    [ltr]On the draft vision of Iraq for the future of the region, which he launched from Saudi Arabia, Abadi said that "the project means that Iraq took its role and position in the Arab and regional environment in the post-new and urged our new directions for the reconstruction of the country and stability, which is inspired by victory and suffering and welcomed by Saudi Arabia, "And our vision that the survival of tensions and conflicts and wars and the disbursement of huge amounts of useless, and must pay attention to the comprehensive development and the establishment of a network of relations between peoples and not between governments and regulations only."[/ltr]
    [ltr]He stressed that "the establishment of the first coordination council between Iraq and Saudi Arabia is doing good for the two countries, which is an important step to achieve development and stability. We have signed economic, trade, cultural and cultural agreements for the benefit of the Iraqi people and strengthened relations." He stressed "the need to reap the benefits of rapprochement, .[/ltr]
    [ltr]On his upcoming visit to Turkey and Iran, Abadi said, "Our visit to Turkey and Iran to discuss cooperation and a new framework for the region without prejudice to any axis and not to be dragged into agendas."[/ltr]
    [ltr]"The central government will pay the salaries of the staff of the region after the return of oil resources to the state," Abbadi said.[/ltr]
    [ltr]He pointed out that "the government has a plan for the border ports and investment and discussed in the Council of Ministers," noting that "the Council of Ministers decided to reduce government spending and strike a balance with imports."[/ltr]
    [ltr]Speaking on his visit to Turkey, Abadi said, "We will encourage cooperation with Turkey in all fields in the fields of security, economic and trade cooperation, water, border crossings and control over Iraq's strategic oil pipeline." , Including the camp Baasika, and the withdrawal of Turkish troops. "[/ltr]
    [ltr]As for the parliamentary elections, Abadi said: "So far the elections have not taken part of my time and my thinking, because I have the task of eliminating the oppressor and unifying the country, but some are thinking only about the elections," adding that "there are politicians who were consoled when we liberated Mosul."[/ltr]
    [ltr]"I want Egypt to open a detailed investigation into the fall of Mosul, and how five teams fell in exchange for a few people?" He said. "The Iraqi people must know the truth."[/ltr]
    [ltr]Called Abadi, to "establish national lists for all of Iraq," stressing that "is not calculated on any list."[/ltr]
    [ltr]On Tuesday, the cabinet convenes a regular session, chaired by its chairman, Haider al-Abadi, to discuss and vote on a number of laws on its agenda. Abadi will hold a press conference to discuss the latest political and security developments.[/ltr]

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