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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Observers: Washington plans to extend the mandate of Abbadi for two years

    Admin Assist
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    Observers: Washington plans to extend the mandate of Abbadi for two years Empty Observers: Washington plans to extend the mandate of Abbadi for two years

    Post by Rocky Wed 01 Nov 2017, 4:49 am

    Observers: Washington plans to extend the mandate of Abbadi for two years
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    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - 
    The United States is trying to give Saudi Arabia a chance to extend its term in Iraq by extending the mandate of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi for another two years, especially after Abadi's recent support from Washington and some European countries, observers say.
    "The United States is trying to create a new Iraqi political reality that goes beyond Iran's influence and weakens the role of popular mobilization and increases the Saudi presence in Iraq by extending Abbadi's mandate for another two years," says political analyst Abdul Amir al-Hungary. 
    "Washington is not asking Abbadi directly to extend his mandate, but it creates a political atmosphere that is pushing for it," he told the Journal News. "This reality has now begun with the demands of some politicians to postpone the elections and to stress that the conditions are not appropriate for them."
    "The Sunni forces will boycott the elections if they are held on time because the displaced are not returning to their homes. Therefore, the elections can not be held without the participation of five provinces, in addition to the Kurdish provinces," he said. Washington in the coming period. "
    For his part, ruled out a coalition of state law Rasul Radi, the intervention of the United States on the postponement of the upcoming parliamentary elections, because that would target democracy, which was based on Washington in Iraq.
    "The elections and the extension of the mandate of Abadi is not an internal matter, and no country, whether the United States or any other country, can intervene on Iraq," Radi told the Journal News. "It is up to the Iraqi House and its ruling. Elections and the extension of the mandate of Abbadi can be achieved. "
    The MP for the «coalition of forces» Qutaiba Jubouri stressed that «the holding of elections in the liberated areas is unacceptable, and said in a statement:« We refuse to hold elections in the liberated areas at the present time unless the government to return the displaced and the extension of security and stability in those areas, Baiji, the Chinese, Suleiman Beik and Yathrib and the rest of Salah ad Din province, and complete the liberation of the left coast to spend the Shirqat and the liberation of the province of Hawija and the rest of Anbar province, as well as complete the liberation of Nineveh province and the extension of security and stability in Diyala ».
    Some political parties in Iraq want to postpone local elections scheduled for the end of this year, but they are concerned about postponing or canceling the legislative elections and introducing the country into a constitutional vacuum.
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