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    White House: military missions against Damascus in Syria is nearing an end

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277418
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    White House: military missions against Damascus in Syria is nearing an end Empty White House: military missions against Damascus in Syria is nearing an end

    Post by Rocky Thu 05 Apr 2018, 3:26 am

    White House: military missions against Damascus in Syria is nearing an end[/size]
    White House: military missions against Damascus in Syria is nearing an end Syria%20(3)

     Twilight News    

     2 hours ago

    The White House announced that the American military mission against the organization "Daqash" in Syria is coming to an end quickly.
    "The military mission against a pro-Syrian organization is coming to an abrupt end," a White House statement said Wednesday. 
    "The United States and its partners will remain committed to eradicating the small presence of Damascus in areas where it has not been destroyed," he said. "We will continue to consult with allies and friends about future plans."
    "We expect regional and far-reaching countries, in addition to the United Nations, to work for peace,
    US President Donald Trump has announced his intention to make a decision soon on the return of US troops and their removal from Syria, adding that he will consult with his allies before making such a decision.
    "So far we are concerned about Syria, and our main task was to get an organization out of the way," Trump told a news conference on Tuesday. "We will make a quick decision to cooperate with others in the region on what to do, and Saudi Arabia is very interested in our decision. "He said.
    "I want to bring the troops home to start rebuilding the United States," Trump said.

      Current date/time is Thu 12 Sep 2024, 4:34 pm